LIBERIA’S HEALTH AUTHORITIES are seeking US$3million United States dollars to help prevent the deadly Coronavirus frightening the world from entering into Liberia. the virus which surfaced in China recently has claimed the lives of more than `200, while there are more than 9,059 confirmed cases across 21 countries, according to a January 31st report.
LIBERIA’S CHIEF MEDICAL Officer, Dr. Francis Keteh made the disclosure about the amount to legislators last weekend in Monrovia. He said health authorities need US$3m to put measures in place just in case there is an outbreak of the Corona Virus in Liberia.
DR. KETEH SAID it is a pressing need for robust preventive measures-while describing the Coronavirus as a peril that is posing serious risk to the world, stating that the virus can be contracted without symptom. He also revealed that touching an affected person can also be transmitted as well.
MOREOVER, KETEH CONFIRMED that the coronavirus has attacked Africa but explained further that all cases suspected in Africa are all quarantined. He said that health authorities have instituted a vigorous surveillance at all borders.
ACCORDING TO HIM, the preventive measure is imperative because 7,711 cases have been confirmed in China; 170 deaths have been reported; while over 1000 cases are reported daily including France and Germany; six suspected cases in Africa, one from Ivory Coast, one from Kenya and among others.
HE INDICATED THAT the virus is dangerous-noting that it poses threats to any nation but expressed hope that Government will make available the initial amount for MOH to start getting the testing equipment including quarantine materials.
MINISTER KETEH IS therefore calling on Liberians to avoid politics and take advice from the Ministry of Health to follow the Ebola pattern-thereby avoiding hugging, crowded areas and revert to constant hand-washing and other preventive measures.
MEANWHILE, AMIDST THE fright of Coronavirus which is said to have emanated from the People’s Republic of China, Liberia’s health authorities say, 300 hundred Chinese and eleven Liberians entered Liberia on Wednesday, January 28, 2020.
SENATOR PETER COLEMAN, who is the Chairperson on the Senate’s Health Committee made the startling revelations yesterday following meeting with Health Authorities at the Liberian Senate. He said health authorities have deployed 24 contact tracers to keenly monitor those Chinese and Liberians.
ACCORDING TO HIM, those who entered the country are not considered suspects, noting that they are placed under surveillance for a while because they came from China where the perilous virus had originated.
CONSIDERING HOW THE virus is spreading in other countries, we call on all those concerned to pay heed to health authorities concerning this coronavirus to avoid the experience of the deadly Ebola virus which claimed the lives of hundreds of Liberians and foreign nationals.
THEREFORE, IT IS imperative that the government takes necessary measures to prevent this coronavirus. We have heard that cases have been reported in the United States of America where many persons including Liberians usually come from to visit this country.
THIS TIME AROUND we call on government to be proactive and avoid the experience of Ebola. Let those concerned on this matter pay heed to the advice of the health authorities so that we would not be caught with our pants down.
AS IT IS often said, “Prevention is better than cure”.