In an effort to emancipate the district of Sanoyea and cleanse it from evil vices, a two-day tarry and spiritual warfare prayers has been offered in the district by the Sanoyea Pastoral Network.
Speaking to a team of reporters the founder of the Network, Rev. Amos P.G. Sackie said the district had lagged behind in terms of development and progress and now is the time to set free the district and its people.
He called on sons and daughters of Sanoyea to feel nostalgic, always wanting to know about the district, and be willing to lend a hand of support to their kinsmen and women.
Rev. Sackie noted that the people of Sanoyea are victims and as the result of absence of love and unity, good roads connectivity, big and decent hospitals adding that when all these are realized, the district will be emancipated.
During the activities a tariff night and warfare prayer held at the Current Memorial Lutheran Church brought together churches and pastors from Monrovia and the district respectively.
Rev. Amos P.G. Sackie headed Network that led the Monrovia delegation from the living word of Jesus Christ Church Dexiville, Rev. Amos Soul of Christ Generation Temple and Pastor Joseph Sherman of Friends of Jesus Christ in new Georgia all of Monrovia.
Other pastors and churches include Rev. Edwin Flomo of Curren Memorial Lutheran Church; Rev. Mother Annie Kollie of Hallakemeni Church Inc. and pastor Amos Sangba of Zion Healing and Deliverance Ministries Gonusue all of Bong County.
Rev. Sackie told the congregation that their getting together should be a turning point in prayer that God in his benevolent love will bless the district and its people to bring about the needed growth and development.
In a related development the net word honored and certificated 18 faithful medical practitioners for dedicated service to humanity.
Those honored and certificate from the district health team are mother Philomena Flomo district health officer, James Gbarnjah Annie Gatergelleh, Darkark Corneh and Prince Dennis.
The Sanoyea Clinical staffs include Kerdou Barles, Adella Lee, Nowai Kerkulo, James Kollie and Rebecca Morris.
Also Honored and certificated were John Kpor, Gbarbea Jesheler, Bendu Yah and Steward McGil other health post presents that were honored and certificated from Gbono-ta Clinic Perry Yabarkeh, Kelebei Clinic Anthony Mulubah.
The Sanoyea pastoral network is a faith-based organization with the aim of offering prayers for the district and its people for growth and development.