Our Decisions Are Based On The Law …Chief Justice Assures Liberians On Elections, Other Matters

By Grace Q. Bryant
The Chief Justice of Liberia Francis Korkpor has assured political parties and associations or organizations that the Supreme Court will continue to be fair in its actions and decisions as relate to the Senatorial elections cases.
Making his statement yesterday at the opening of the October terms of the Supreme Court, he expressed that the court has no friend or foe and proceeds without fear or favor regardless of what or who is involved.
”Our actions and decisions are ours and ours alone , based purely on our inner convictions driven by settled principles of law; we have remained on course in performing our duties and we shall continue to do so,” he revealed.
According to Justice Korkpor, ” a party may not agree with decisionS of this court but certainly, there should be no doubt of the independence of this court in arriving at every decisions.
” I have said before and I say again, that we seek no approval from any source for our actions; neither do we wait until there is an echo from the crowd, backed by numbers before we can act,” he added.
He further explained that, it is the inherent right of the people to choose their leaders through free and fair elections; the Constitution grants every Liberian citizen the right to register and vote in public elections.
”Our Constitution also grants to any citizen or political party, association or organization, being resident in Liberia, of Liberian nationality or origin and not otherwise disqualified under the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the land to have the right to canvass for the votes for any political party or candidate and it is through election that legitimacy is given to public officials to hold public offices,” he said.
In quoting Article one of the Constitution of Liberia, “All power is vested in the people. All free governments are instituted by their authority and for their benefit and they have the right to alter and reform the same when to fill vacancies by regular elections and appointments. According to him, they are aware that democratic governance is sustained and perpetuated through free and fair elections and they are also aware of critical role the court must play by the decisions it makes in election and other matters not only to create the enabling condition for the people to exercise their rights to vote, but to keep the country safe, stable and peaceful.

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