OES Initiates Big Charity
For Hill Top School

The General Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star (OES), on Monday, October 3, 2022, made several donations and commitments to the Hill Top School in Monrovia, as part of its annual charity programs.
The General Grand Matron, Worthy Sister Rosa Allen committed the OES to four years sponsorship of 20 students of Hill Top School at the University of Liberia, effective this academic year.

The cost of the four years scholarship program for the 20 students predominantly female is put at L$400, 000.00. The OES further committed to undertake the completion of the Hill Top School Science Laboratory estimated at nearly US$2,000, donated 50 sets of school uniforms as well as stationery, school materials including copy books, pen and pencils estimated at US$1,400.
The General Grand Matron, Worthy Sister Rosa Allen said the Hill Top School was selected for this year’s OES Charity program to identify with the students, in helping them achieve their academic goals and become productive citizens.
The Hill Top School formerly the More Than Me Academy, established 2013, has an enrollment of 214 students, with classes from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
The Principal of Hill Top School, Madame Klubo K. Wesee expressed gratitude to Officers and members of the General Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star for donations and also identifying with the needs of the School and its former students.
She said the donations of stationeries, school materials, uniforms as well as the OES commitment to complete the school laboratory and offered of four years scholarship program for 20 of its students, whose entrance fees were also paid by OES at the University of Liberia, are commendable gestures and came timely to help the school and students.
The Hill Top School is said to be tuition free School, and supports children rights to education, health and protection.
The General Grand Matron, Worthy Sister Rosa Allen was accompanied on the charity outreach by an array of past and current General Grand Chapter officers and members of the OES.

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