NTAL Credit Union Announces L$12M Surplus

The National Teachers’ Association of Liberia Credit Union Cooperative Society has concluded its 4th Annual General Assembly; disclosing 12 million Liberian Dollars as Budget surplus for the 2022 saving year.

Despite the perception that teachers are the poorest in Liberia, such thought has been disproved with the realization of this relatively astronomical sum.

The NTAL Credit Union is a saving institution established by public school teachers and education workers, with the National Teachers Association of Liberia serving as the union parent body.   

The NTAL Credit Union was established in 2013 with the objective of breaking the poverty barrier among public school teachers and educational workers in Liberia.

The Annual General Assembly of the National Teachers Association of Liberia Credit Union Cooperative Society, observed under the theme: Improving members’ livelihoods through strong commitments, was characterized by an audit report, supervisory report, and the report from the Chairman.

Of the 12 million Liberian dollars, 6 million Dollars will be distributed among members of the Union as dividends for shareholders and those saving with the institution, a decision by the delegates at the 4th Annual General Assembly held in Gbarnga, Bong County, over the weekend.

The NTAL Credit Union’s 4th Annual General Assembly (AGA) brought together several board members from the fifteen counties of Liberia, Bong County Education officer, and the Managing Director of the Liberia Credit Union National Association, among others.

Speaking at the close of the occasion, the President of the National Teachers Association of Liberia, Mary Nyumah, praised the leadership of the NTAL Credit Union, headed by Freeman Duo, Anderson Tamba, and others, for what she calls ”a Job well done”.

Madam Nyumah boasted that the Credit Union will lift many teachers and education workers out of poverty, considering the level of interest the teachers and education workers have developed in saving.

“We will ensure that many teachers are given the opportunity to attend our 2023 AGA that will take place in March of 2024, so that they share their testimonies with us,” the NTAL President assured the delegates.

The NTAL President noted that she feels proud seeing teachers developing interest in saving, something she said is better for the future of their children.

For his part, the Managing Director of Liberia Credit Union National Association, Yarkpazuo Gbusiwoi, in his key-note message, called on members of the institution to depoliticize the workings of the Union.

According to Gbusiwoi, the credit union will grow to a greater level when members desist from politicizing it and focus on the issue of recruitment, strengthening policies, trainings, and economic participation, among others.

“When you allow growth to reign in this institution, you have will have greater testimonies which will serve as a catalyst for others to follow suit,” Gbusiwoi cautioned.

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