Network Backs NPA Employees’ Lawsuit Against Management

The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) says the legal action by the dismissed employees of the National Port Authority (NPA) against its Managing Director, Sekou Dukuly is welcoming.
The Network labeled the action as unlawful dismissal of Mr. Gabriel S. Bull, Comptroller, on March 29, 2024, who filed two separate cases for ‘Action of Damages for Wrong Libel and Slander’ before the Sixth Judicial Circuit Law Court of Montserrado County.
Having conducted investigation into reasons and circumstances surrounding the dismissal of senior employees of the NPA, the CSNL said it supports the action of the dismissed employees in using the court to seek justice.
“We see the dismissal as unlawful, illegal and a witch-hunted action. There is no substantially established reason why the Sekou Dukuly led Administration of the NPA will dismiss Mr. Bull as Comptroller of the corporation,’ the civil society network stated.
The Network said the dismissal of ten NPA employees, lack all legal and evidential merits, therefore, it is commendable that the illegally dismissed employees filed two separate cases against the NPA Management.
The group deduced that the NPA Management’s assertions of “financial improprieties and administrative reasons”, which serves as basis for dismissal of the ten senior employees, are vague, ambiguous and lack evidence.
CSNL concern stems from what it stated as that denial of the dismissed employees to be accorded due process, as provided for in Article 20 of the ¬¬¬1986 Liberian Constitution and therefore, the employees are legally right to use the court to seek justice.
They called on court to speedily hear this case, as it bothers around the character and the livelihoods of hundreds of Liberians.
“Now that the case is before the court, we are convinced that the court will dispense justice, and the characters of the dismissed employees will be restored, and get subsequently reinstated,” the group concluded.

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