NAC Craves For Domestic Investment In HIV Response …As Liberia Prepares For World AIDS Day Celebration

By Precious D. Freeman
The National AIDS Commission (NAC) Chairperson, Cecelia Nuta, has called for increased political commitment and domestic resource allocation to support to Liberia’s HIV response amid diminishing global donor funding.
She made the remarks yesterday in Monrovia while launching series of activities to mark the 36th World AIDS Day under the national theme, “One Goal, One Fight: Ending AIDS Together in Liberia,” emphasizing the importance of collective action in tackling HIV and sustaining progress in the fight against the epidemic.
“The fight against the spread of HIV remains a national priority that requires our collective efforts, partnership, and collaboration,” Dr. Nuta said.
She highlighted the need to address structural barriers such as stigma and discrimination that continue to hinder access to HIV testing and treatment services.
This year’s World AIDS Day aligns with Liberia’s commitment to achieving the global goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
The global theme, “Collective Action: Sustain and Accelerate HIV Progress,” underscores the urgency of maintaining momentum in the HIV response.
Dr. Nuta outlined the progress made through international and domestic programs but warned of challenges.
“Inadequate domestic resource allocation for the HIV response in Liberia continues to undermine efforts to sustain gains beyond 2030,” she said. “The time to own and sustain these achievements as a country is now.”
To address these challenges, NAC, with support from UNAIDS, is developing a National HIV Sustainability Roadmap.
This initiative aims to transform Liberia’s HIV response into a self-reliant system, focusing on increased domestic financing as outlined in the updated National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (2021-2026).
Dr. Nuta commended the contributions of key partners, including PEPFAR, the Global Fund, UN agencies, and civil society organizations, for their steadfast support in combating HIV in Liberia.
She also appealed to policymakers, private sector stakeholders, and community leaders to actively support the national HIV response.
“We also recognize the efforts of civil society organizations who continue to stand up for the voiceless and the donor community for their commitment to the national HIV response,” she said.
Ahead of the main commemoration event on December 2 at Invincible Park in Sinkor, NAC announced a range of pre-activities designed to raise awareness and combat stigma which include mass media campaigns to educate the public, community outreach programs in schools, markets, churches, and mosques as well as stakeholders’ engagements to establish a National Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Program.
Dr. Nuta explained that community outreach efforts will focus on engaging opinion leaders to reduce HIV-related stigma and discrimination while promoting HIV testing.
The week-long commemoration will culminate in an indoor program bringing together policymakers, civil society, and other stakeholders to discuss the way forward.
Dr. Nuta urged Liberians to embrace the national theme and work together to end AIDS in Liberia. “We want to humbly appeal to all state actors, policymakers, and the private sector to get involved,” she said.
World AIDS Day, first observed in 1988, provides an opportunity to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV, and remember those who have died from AIDS-related complications.
Liberia, along with the global community, will observe this important day on December 1.

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