Mother Bindah Delivers Startling Revelations

The General Overseer/Founder of the Jesus Christ End Time Ministries International, Reverend Mother Esther O. K. Bindah has revealed that God opened her eyes to see many mysterious happenings as she was called to serve Him.
She disclosed that God spoke to her spiritual Mother Doris Yarteee who had a ministry in Wasa Fiamah, District # 9 Montserrado County saying after three years with Mother Yartee, she constantly told her that God has revealed to her that she (Mother Bindah) should go and establish a ministry to serve Him.
Reverend Mother Bindah made the disclosure recently at the seventh anniversary of the Jesus Christ End Time Ministries International in Rock Spring Valley in Monrovia pointing out she didn’t agree due to her shyness as well as the humiliations that the mother usually received from people.
According to her, other people started giving her the same message over and again adding, one day she and Susan Teah, her sister were in Susan’s room and while their Mother Bindah suggested that they should fast and that she would tell her the purpose after the process.
“We started the fast and amazingly at the climax of the three day-fast which was on a Thursday, God opened my eyes and I saw the teddy bear shaking at the same time opening and closing its eyes, so I asked Susan whether she also observed the strange happenings in the room but replied in the negative. I explained to her and insisted that we should burn the teddy bear but efforts on our part to burn it didn’t materialize,” she pointed out.
The General Overseer added that when she later moved to the Teward Yard, one night at 1:30 a.m. while sleeping she encountered God through the holy Spirit in 2013 with a voice that said wake up which she did and took her bible as she went outdoor and started walking in the dark about few yards away from the house, a voice instructed her to stop.
“I stood there but it seemed as though it was a huge magnet that I was standing on top; I suddenly saw some underprivileged people of the community elegantly dressed in coat suits while others had hammer Jeeps as well as other luxuries, then the Lord said pray which I did continuously until all those witches vanished from my sight,” she added.
She further explained that when she went back in the room while sleeping a voice woke her up again then she began crying and pleading for mercy because she was terrified thinking that it was insanity that was creeping on her but the spirit continues to release instructions.
“look at the window as I looked there, the plum tree that was there has disappeared only a football field that I could see so the Lord told me to keep praying which I obeyed then the plum tree reappeared,” she indicated.
Another incident she narrated was that she saw foot prints of blood on the wall in her room then Lord told her that you must strongly pray against whatever you will see so she executed the instruction and she didn’t see the bloody foot prints on the wall again.
Reverend Mother Bindah said that another miraculous scene was that she observed water entered her entire room while she was on the mattress, it was floating and the water never wet her even when she put her foot in it but people who entered the room and they got wet admitting that God manifested His supernatural power to her through the spirit and told that the water was intended to kill her.
“God started giving me prophecies for people but I used to send friends to deliver them at the beginning; a pregnant woman was living in the community and I got the message that I should tell her to pray because she was about to die on the same day, so I delivered the message but she overlooked it and she passed at 9:00pm that evening.
I was also told to advise some parents not to allow their children to swim in the Du River because five children were going to get drown in the water but the message fell on death ears so it happened,” she stated.
The Mother of the Jesus Christ End Time Ministries recalled that one Emmanuel from the Fire on the Mountain Church was brought to her who had an expanded stomach that was likened to a pregnant woman with seven fetus in her womb.
“People told him that he was suffering from liver problem but the Lord revealed to me that he had a maggot that could fill a mayonnaise jar in his stomach and so he should fast but at the end of the fast his mother was going to bring him a turborgee rice and that he shouldn’t eat it; that prophecy came to reality,” she indicated.
She then praised God for His bountiful grace upon the church as God has been using her to heal, deliver people from demonic attacks including the resuscitation of children, patients in critical conditions commending God as they celebrate seven fruitful years of existence.
“I thank God for not allowing premature death to occur in the church for the past years; I also renew by vow to God that I will continue serving Him,” she maintained.
Earlier Reverend Mark Bedell delivering the sermon urged Christians to always express gratitude to someone when they do well for them.
He said that they are grateful to God for His mercy upon the church saying they are elated for the transformation at their church.
For his part, Father Alphanso D. Bindah expressed thanks and appreciation to God for calling his wife to serve Him adding that he is a beneficiary of His grace and that transformation is also taking place in the church.
He disclosed that they have planned to build the capacities of the church members through skills training.

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