Mont. Attorney Swailho Sesay Gets Month-long Ban

By Grace Q. Bryant

The Supreme Court has suspended the newly appointed Monsterrado County Attorney, Alhaji Swailho A. Sesay, from the practice of law directly and indirectly, within the bailiwick of Liberia, for the period of one month, with immediate effect.

The Supreme Court’s decision, which was over the weekend, was based on a bill of information which brought to the Supreme Court’s attention, the improper execution of its mandate and/or interference with the execution of the Court’s Mandate.

The respondent is a man, Ishmael, and a Lady yet to be identified, with their counsel, having interfered or obstructed the enforcement of the Supreme Court Mandate, on the informant’s Martha G. Gweh bill of information, illegally occupying the property of the City of Paynesville.

According to the Supreme Court, the respondent counsel, Cllr Sesay, is suspended for his complacency exhibited in the face of the lawless conduct of his clients which led to the interference and obstruction of the enforcement of the Supreme Court’s Mandate, coupled with prior warnings to him for unethical behavior.

“Cllr Alhaji Swailho A. Sesay is hereby suspended from the practice of law directly and indirectly within the bailiwick of the Republic of Liberia, for the period of one month with immediate effect,” the high court mandated.

The court further ordered the Clerk Court to send a mandate to the court below to resume jurisdiction over the case and to proceed with the enforcement of the Supreme Court Mandate of December 31, 2019.

“The Clerk is ordered to send a mandate to all courts of the Republic, informing them of this Court’s rule against the respondents,” the court ruled.

Associate Justice, Joseph N. Nagbe, participated in the hearing of the case; however, being out of the bailiwick of the Republic, he did not sign this Judgment and Justice Yussif D. Kaba participated in the hearing and determination of this case: however, he withheld his signature.

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