LRP Vows To Make Liberia ‘Technology Giant’

By Bill W. Cooper

In a bold and ambitious vision for the future, the standard bearer of the Liberia Restoration Party (LRP), Allen Brown, has unveiled plans aimed at transforming Liberia into a technical giant, if elected President on October 10.

With a comprehensive agenda centered on technological advancements, Brown aims to harness the power of innovation and propel Liberia into the forefront of technological progress, intended to catch up with the global village.

Recognizing the importance of education, Brown places a strong emphasis on the improvement of the educational system in Liberia, thus, he plans to invest heavily in educational infrastructure, with a particular focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education.

Brown aims to equip Liberian students with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the digital era and compete on a global scale.

To achieve his goal of transforming Liberia into a technical giant, Brown also emphasizes the need for strategic partnerships with international organizations, public-private collaborations, and the establishment of innovation hubs and research centers.

By creating an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation, Brown envisions attracting both domestic and foreign investments in technology.

Moreover, Brown understands the vital role that infrastructure plays in enabling technological progress, as his plan includes a substantial investment in the development and expansion of critical infrastructure, such as broadband internet access and reliable electricity.

These improvements will lay the foundation for a robust digital economy and facilitate widespread adoption of technology across various sectors, and in addition to investing in human capital and infrastructure, Brown’s vision encompasses the promotion of digital literacy and the bridging of the digital divide.

He plans to implement initiatives to provide affordable access to technology and internet connectivity, especially in rural areas, and by ensuring that all Liberians have equal opportunities to participate in the digital age, Brown aims to create a strong and inclusive society.

Furthermore, Brown’s technological agenda extends beyond domestic boundaries. He envisions Liberia becoming a hub for technological innovation in the West African region and fostering collaborations with neighboring countries.

By leveraging Liberia’s unique geographical position and its rich history, Brown aims to position the country as a magnet for tech companies and start-ups seeking to establish a presence in the region.

In terms of job creation, Brown’s plan aligns with his vision of making Liberia a technical giant, which he stressed that by investing in technology and infrastructure, he anticipates the growth of a vibrant tech sector, resulting in the creation of high-quality, well-paying jobs.

Meanwhile, Brown’s plan also places focus on technological growth, with emphasis on agriculture, and added, “There are more microprocessors produced a year than grains of rice harvested globally.”

“And this highlights the fact that we live in a world of technology  in which the challenges to massive unemployment in any given population can be well addressed by  re-ordering national job provision strategies to fit modern trends,” he said.

Mr. Brown further stressed the need for prioritizing the agricultural sector of Liberia, but stated that Liberians’ expertise in growing the sector can only be done if they vote him and his vice running mate on October 10, 2023.

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