Lofa University Ends Go-Slow

Normal academic activities have resumed at the Lofa County University following weeks of go-slow action by the faculty association of the institution.
The go-slow action by the faculty association was in demand of salary increment and other concerns affecting the members of the body.
The return of the faculty members to classes follows series of engagements by the newly constituted Board of Trustees of the institution under the chairmanship of Luther’s Bishop. G. Victor Padmore.
Speaking to journalists from the campus of the University, the acting president of the institution, Morlu Korsor praised the efforts of the Board and the administration which led to the restoration of calm on the campus.
He promised that his interim administration will do its best in solving some of those demands of the faculty in their rich.
The Board of Trustees is currently vetting for a president for the university as directed by President Joseph Nyuma Boakai.

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