The Liberia National Police (LNP), with support from UNDP, is training its officers in counties on the use of a new digital Crimes Statistics Information System (DHIS2) that is set to improve the response to crimes and overall security management in the country.
The DHIS2, developed in 2021 also with support from UNDP, is a digital product that combines the use of a tablet or smart phone with an online portal onto which police officers countrywide can log crime incidents as they happen providing comprehensive data on crime patterns in the country.
“In order to make informed decisions on fighting crime and national security management, the Police require comprehensive information and intelligence. The digital Crime Statistics Information System will make this possible when all police officers countrywide are able to use the system to provide timely data on the types of crimes being committed, exactly where, and by whom. This will guide the Police’s allocation of resources,” said UNDP Resident Representative in Liberia, Stephen Rodriques.
The training is being undertaken by the Research and Planning Division of the LNP, which advises senior management on policy issues and prepares annual reports, among other things. This Division collects, analyzes, stores, retrieves, and disseminates various crime data in statistical form including crimes commented monthly and criminal cases sent to courts.
This training will contribute to an expansion of the system which will enable a broader use of crime statistics.
34 police officers from Bong, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Lofa, Maryland, Nimba, Rivercess, Rivergee, Sinoe, Grand Gedeh County and Grand Kru will over the next two weeks be trained on the DHIS2 Crimes Statistics Information System how to collect and upload data using tablets for the various crimes data collection forms.
LNP successfully piloted the training on the system in Montserrado County, Bomi County, Margibi County (upper and lower), Grand Bassa County and Gbarnga, Bong County.
UNDP will continue to support LNP to acquire tablets and related equipment for the system, provide data bundles to ensure the officers use the system, and to conduct capacity building training for officers in Palala, Gbatala, Bopolu, Robertsport, Barclayville, Zwedru, Voinjama, Zorzor, Foya, Happer, Sanniquellie, Ganta and Tappita.