LNP Generates To LRA Revenue Envelope

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has disclosed that in 2022, the ticketing section of the Liberia Nation Police alone generated L$9,139 and US$ 36,522 from traffic violators.

The Chief of Ticketing at the LNP, Mercal V. Sayeh, said the ticketing section give out the total of 7,245 tickets to traffic violators in 2022 and out of that number, 4,747 was paid for while 2,498 of the tickets were challenged.

Superintendent Sayeh said those who are issued tickets are required to pay the fees directly to the Liberia Revenue Authority account.

He named Clara Town, Vai Town, Paco Paint Community, Waterside as some of the congested areas where most of the drivers carry out traffic violations.

According to him, the section does not give special preference to any violator because of their statute in the society noting, the law is the law and that anyone found in conflict of the law will face the full weight of it.

He used the occasion to call on authority to initiate traffic education or awareness in the country to inform people about the rule of the traffic because more drivers besides not having their document, do not know the traffic rules.

He indicated that the amount generated from traffic violators and sent to the LRA is part of the LNP’s contribution to the national budget.

Superintendent Sayeh than warned owners and operators of motorbike, tricycles, and vehicles who are finding it very difficult to pay violation fees to refrain from violating the traffic laws of Liberia.

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