With the convention of the Liberia Marketing Association (LMA) set to kick off October 19, 2021 in Gbarnga, Bong County, the Election Committee has released guidelines and eligibility criteria for the Association’s elections.
In a statement released by the Committee; in order to contest a position, a candidate must have been an active member of the association for not less than five years, and must possess an LMA identification card from 2017 to 2021.
The Committee pointed out that any candidate registering beyond the October 11, 2021 deadline will be denied to contest because their information will not be processed.
“Candidates must be at the age of 35 years or above, and a high school graduate or be able to read, write and speak English well. Candidates must have a real property value not less than ten thousand United States Dollars (US$10,000) or a real estate with photo copy of the estate deed presented to the Committee,” said a statement read by the Vice Chair of the LMA’s Elections Committee, Rev. Dr. George Zorbah.
The guidelines mandate that a candidate for any of the positions must not only be a high school graduate, but should be a person with applicable knowledge in the field of business.
In line with best international practice, the Committee disclosed that the voting process will be done by secret ballot, and as such, observers, or no any other person will be allowed to influence the choice of voters for another candidate.
“Based upon the total number of registered voters, and in compliance with the health protocol of the Republic of Liberia, polling centers will be established for 200 persons voting at each center, while voting queue will accommodate ten voters at the time with the space observation of three feet apart.
Campaign ends on October 21, 2021 at 12:00 midnight,” the statement indicated.
Meanwhile, five positions, namely; National President, National Vice President, National Secretary, National Assistant Secretary and National Chaplain will be contested for in the ensuing LMA election.