LIPA’s Beford Quie, 2 Former
Employees On Travel Ban
…. As Writ Of Arrest Haunts Them

The Criminal Court “C” has ordered the arrest of one current employee and two former officials of the Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA) thereby placing a travel ban to prevent them from leaving the bailiwick of the country.
LIPA’s current Accountant Beford Quie was indicted along with the former Director General, Oblayon B. Nyemah and the former Comptroller, Luna M, Harmon by the Liberia Anti -Corruption Commission on charges for Theft of Property, Economic Sabotaged (fraud on the internal revenue of Liberia), Misuse of Public Money, Property or Record, and or illegal disbursement and expenditure of public money, Criminal Facilitation and Criminal Conspiracy.
The court’s decision came when the Government of Liberia filed a motion through the LACC for a Writ of Arrest and Nea Exeat Republica which is intended to prevent the three former public officials from leaving the country due to their failure to correspond with the indictment.
Meanwhile, in its quest to curb corruption, the LACC recently increased it indictment list with more names from CARI and LIPA topping it as a consequence of an investigative report from the General Auditing Commission (GAC) audit, the LACC to be tried this August term of Court.
E-officials who were indicted for forgery and counterfeiting, theft of property and economic sabotage (misuse of Public Money, Property or Record) include, , former Director General of the Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI), Paulette Findley, former Administrator (CARI), David Kermue, former Warehouse Supervisor and Dr. Walter Wiles, former Director General of CARI.

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