Liberians Pay Tribute To Fallen Citizens On April 12, 1980

Liberian historians have explained their individual tales marking the famous ‘April 12, 1980.’  

Many people explained that Liberia’s dark days started from the execution of 26 men on the pole by former President Samuel K Doe.

Speaking on April 12, 2023, at programs commemorating April 12, Richard Tolbert, a son of the late President William R. Tolbert said there are still excepts to remember, honor, and reflect.

“We can not let the day pass without at least saying a few words to the memory of Dr. William R Tolbert and the 26 or more persons who died with him in the Executive Mansion on the dreadful night of April 12, 1980,” Richard reflected.

Among those who died and who were remembered were President Tolbert’s eight year old son Momoh, the brave Executive Mansion Guard Battalion Commander General Charles Railey, President Tolbert’s loyal Bodyguard Lieutenant “Railroad” Vesselley who died at his post at the President’s bedroom door, Major Gabriel Moore of the ‘SSS’ Major Bilbo of the EMG and about two dozen others who gave up their lives.   

Richard, in sorrow, said “there is not much to say on this day, except they have our profoundest respect, admiration, and honor. However, before we end, I would just like to add that if Bill Tolbert or Christine Norman were here with us in person, they would have much more to say in honor of their father, Dr. William R. Tolbert Jr. but they are only here with us in the spirit, so I ask you to have a moment of silence for Bill and Christine as well as President Tolbert and his companions.  

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