Liberian Tax Law Student Receives IFA Membership

A Liberian Master’s Degree student studying Comparative International Tax Law has received the International Fiscal Association (IFA) membership, the world leading tax body, acclaimed for publishing fiscal and tax journals around the world.
The soon-to-be Liberian International tax lawyer, Mr. Rufus Bloh Senyon, who is currently doing his Master’s Program at the University of Uppsala in Sweden with emphasis on Tax Treaty Law and Transfer Pricing, recently received a letter from the prestigious international tax organization initiating his membership.
“I am exceedingly excited and thrilled to be awarded membership to this very prestigious international body. As a member of this professional organization, I look forward to contributing in whatever manner I can. My membership is not merely to be a content user but to contribute to the tax journals on the IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation) website,” he said upon receiving the letter.
Mr. Senyon who is poised for graduation in the spring of this year also holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Accounting/Economics from the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) in Liberia, and served over 4 years as Auditor & Senior Tax Associate at ‘’Parker & Company, LLC,’’ (a Certified Public Accountants & Business Advisors Firm). He served as Part-time lecturer at various universities in Liberia for Elements of Taxation course based on Liberia’s tax jurisdiction before moving to Sweden for his Master’s Program.
His thesis topic is in the General Anti-Avoidance Rules, a research that compares this principle with the Rule of Law doctrines called the ‘’The Morality of Law Principles’’. The thesis further examines predictability issue of the general anti-avoidance rules and taxpayers’ rights. Upon graduation Rufus Bloh Senyon will be amongst few Liberians with a Master in International Tax Law.
The major component of his Master’s program in International Tax Law at Uppsala University is extensive engagement with professional bodies of tax law in the world on ongoing developments in tax law matters in order for students to gain exposure to major tax law organizations, and in order to guide students to a successful career in harnessing their skills through professional networks.
IFA was established in 1938 and its objects are the study and advancement of international and comparative law in regard to public finance, specifically international and comparative fiscal law and the financial and economic aspects of taxation.
Thus IFA has offered the necessary forum to experts belonging to different sectors of society, where opinions on topics of international taxation can be exchanged with respect for each other’s background and responsibilities.

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