Let’s Still Abide By The SoE Measures

PRESIDENT GEORGE WEAH has again extended the “Stay Home” order by additional two weeks which according to him is aimed at curtailing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the country.
ON FRIDAY, MAY 22, Pres. Weah’s government renewed its instruction by mandating everyone within Liberia’s borders to be indoors at 6:00 P.M., instead of the previous 3:00 P.M. mandate.
THE EXECUTIVE MANSION’S release quotes the President as saying that the easing of measures became necessary in light of the new global reality and the advice of local health authorities.
Unlike the previous measures, restaurants, stores selling food commodities, dry goods, building materials and electronic appliances are now allow opened provided they would accept that only 25% of their full occupancy will enter their facilities at a time while observing social distancing.
THE JOINT SECURITY is also instructed to enforce the mandatory wearing of masks in all public spaces and ensure that there is full compliance while the government takes the appropriate legal actions in cases of violation of any of these measures.
INDEED, THE PRESERVATION of lives must remain the foremost priority of not just this government but every citizen or resident within our borders because slacking the loop on the State of Emergency might be to enable people seek for livelihoods but if the simple preventive measures are not followed, our cases will undoubtedly quadruple in a relative short period which might land us right at the start of the fight.
IT WILL BE a vain-thing if we were only looking up to government just to relax people coming out by the extension of an additional three hours if we fail to uphold the SIMPLE preventive measures which are to wash our hands continuously, refrain from hugging and shaking hands and wearing masks at all times in public places as well as keeping our social distances.
WE MUST ALL endeavor to ensure that we treat everyone regardless of their personalities and relationships as ‘SUSPECTS’ during this difficult times because we are all knowledgeable that covid-19 is an airborne virus that many believe might live with us just as malaria and other diseases once we abide by the simple measures.
WE JOIN THE government to remind ourselves that all other measures and protocols as previously announced remain in place and that this extension should in no way mean that we remain on the streets until 6 P.M or go about loitering when we have absolutely nothing to do out of our respective homes.
BEST IN PREVENTING this virus, let us continue to stay at home. That we believe will cost us nothing rather it will help save us from this coronavirus while we appeal to those considered as essential staff to work within their respective timeframe as that together we can rid our country of the virus.

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