LCPS Graduates Specialized Doctors

Liberia’s floundering health sector was in dire straits due, in part, to the low number of doctors in the country and fewer specialized ones far below the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended ratio of one doctor to one thousand patients. This gap exuded the need for the establishment of the Liberia College of Physicians and Surgeons (LCPS) in 2013.

The college has trained and certificated 110 specialized doctors including the twenty-one doctors that were recently certificated at the college’s 6th convocation and Annual General and Scientific Meeting (AGSM) during a colorful ceremony at the EJS Ministerial Complex on September 30, 2022.

This cohort of graduates had one home-grown psychiatrist, the first in the history of the College.

The 6th Convocation and AGSM was held under the theme: “Innovations In Health Care” with sub themes: “The Role Of Endoscopy In Healthcare” and “Minimal Invasive Procedures In Surgery.”

The president of the Liberia College of Physicians and Surgeons, Prof. Benjamin Harris said efforts are being made to mobilize resources to increase the number of faculties the college is currently running:  internal medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, obstetrics/gynecology; family medicine; ophthalmology and psychiatry to include anesthesiology; community medicine and radiology based on existing critical needs.

“No longer will I be the lone ranger Liberian psychiatrist for over 40 years with the graduation of our inaugural class of one psychiatrist at the 6th convocation,” Prof. Harris pointed out.

He disclosed that the September 30, 2022 convocation and AGSM graduated specialists from seven faculties: pediatrics, five; internal medicine, three; Obstetrics/Gynecology, four; general surgery, three, family medicine, and three; ophthalmology, two; and psychiatry, one.

Additionally, the `LCPS President indicated that the college inducted 13 new fellows by elections in varying disciplines.

He entreated the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health to see the need to increase the salaries of the specialists commensurate with their qualifications.

“It is sad to note that doctors would spend several years of rigorous training and specialization but yet continue to receive the same salary. The LCPS stands ready to work with the Ministry of Health, the Civil Service Agency and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning to set up a salary structure for medical professionals,” he maintained.

Prof. Harris added that since the launch of the LCPS fellowship program to augment the inclusivity of more Liberian faculty of the college for the purpose of sustainability, about twenty applications have been received for consideration stressing “the postgraduate program has also received accreditation from regional sister colleges to commence a fellowship program.”

Prof. Harris appreciated the Liberian government for the support to the postgraduate program with a reminder for increased support to maintain the program.

“We urge the government of Liberia to do more to support medical institutions in Liberia. We ask the government to launch a special fund akin to the road fund to support medical education by setting aside a small amount. I foresee that if drastic measures are not taken to alleviate the financial challenges in health education in the country, the system may subsequently crash. We will contact the Minister of Health and the Speaker of the House of Representative to pursue this plead,” he emphasized.

The LCPS President then disclosed that plans are advanced to raise the needed resources to construct a modern multipurpose complex for the college. The project, according to him, has gotten a major boost with the donation of a five-acres of land by the college’s founding president, Roseda E. Marshall.

In remarks, the Secretary General of LCPS, Jeanetta K. Johnson said while the college is glad to be hosting, for the second time, its convocation at the ministerial complex, it would be more gladdening if three to five years down the road, the college hosts these events in its own facility.

Liberia’s Minister of Health, Wilhelmina Jallah stated that the college has come a long way and there was a need to be proud of its accomplishments having overcome many challenges along this journey.

“We have come a long way from where we were when one would say I am the only one to where we are today. This is a proud moment for all of us,” she said.

According to her, the theme of the 6th convocation and AGSM was appropriate because healthcare delivery is advancing around the world with technology at the forefront. She sighed that unfortunately, many countries including Liberia are lagging behind. 

Dr. Jallah intoned that the Government of Liberia, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Bank have started a performance based financing program that would seek to equip 14 counties in Liberia as a way of addressing some of the existing challenges. She encouraged the graduates to make the necessary recommendation for issues in their assigned areas that need the financing scheme’s attention.

In addition to that, the Liberian Minister of Health said steps are being taken to review the salary structure of the healthcare workers from doctors to the lowest person in the sector adding that the Ministry of Health will work with the LCPS and other relevant institutions in this regard in order to avoid any insinuation that the ministry unilaterally decided the salaries for healthcare workers in the country.

She emphasized that while technology is being encouraged to improve surgical and other advance cares, healthcare professional should not ignore the importance of primary care, without which, technology would make no impact.

The 6th convocation witnessed the conferral of an honorary fellowship on Prof. David C. Henderson, Chief of Psychiatry, Boston Medical Center for his tremendous contribution to the LCPS psychiatry program and the healthcare sector of Liberia.

“I don’t understand how exactly I deserve such an honor but I am very pleased. Healthcare in Liberia is changing for the better,” Prof. Henderson said in response to his honorary fellowship into the LCPS faculty.   

The Dr. Abraham Saah Borbor Lecture Series was presented by Dr. Lawrence Mombo Sherman, Dean of the A. M. Dogliotti College of Medicine, who called for information sharing among healthcare practitioners about services being provided at their facilities to save patients the cost of unwarranted overseas referrals.

Dr. Sherman encouraged the graduates to be very professional in doing the right thing no matter the circumstance.

He wants the Liberian Government to give serious consideration to investing in procuring equipment because all of the available ones were donated which are not adequate.

Speaking on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, Madam Dama Yekeson Kofa said the country’s largest teaching hospital has been an integral part of the residency training program with the hospital hosting six of LCPS’ seven faculties. She proudly disclosed that more than half of the Doctors at the JFK are products of the LCPS program.

The Chairman of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Representative Joseph Somwarbi assured the graduates and professionals in the healthcare sector of salary reclassification when the requisite request is made with the available qualification.

USAID Liberia Mission Director, Jim Wright said the United States Government is proud of the accomplishment of Liberia as the first African country to vaccinate more than seventy percent (70%) of its citizens against Covid-19.

He appreciated Liberian healthcare workers for the work they do under difficult circumstances and limited resources.

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