Lawmakers Provoke Students’ Uproar On UL Campus

By Bill W. Cooper

The University of Liberia (UL) main campus was a scene of pandemonium yesterday as a result of a stalemate between Montserrado County District 8 Representative, Moses Acarous Gray and the Student Unification Party (SUP).

The situation, according to our reporter also led to the disruption of normal learning activities on the campus as well as the stalling of economic activities in central Monrovia and its environs.

In retrospect, the disruption was triggered after Finance Minister Samuel Tweah’s Office Assistant, Aloysius Howe was chased out of the UL campus by SUP recently, on grounds that he was part of those government officials bent on looting the country’s resources at the detriment of the citizenry.

And in reaction to the alleged act by SUP, Rep. Gray in his Facebook post, vowed, “I and Rep. Dixon Seboe will on Monday, March 13, have launch with students and my supporters on the University of Liberia campus. You can drink anything on me.”

The post agitated SUP to have issued a press statement challenging government officials of the Weah led-administration accused of corruption or those seen in the company of any of those accused of thievery on the premises of any of the campuses of the University.

Additionally, opposition lawmaker, Yekeh Kolubah in support of the SUP, praised the group leaders and promised to form part of them in resisting any attempt from Rep. Seboe to visit the University, stating that he too would have had launch with students on the same Monday, as Gray.

Our reporter explained that in fulfillment of his promise, Rep. Gray with a large number of supporters stormed and took siege of the University from the hour of 11:30 a.m. up to 1:30 p.m., an action which witnessed several students fleeing for safety.

Our reporter added that upon Rep. Gray’s arrival was also marred by a serious altercation between his supporters and members of SUP with both parties resorting to stone-throwing at each other that resulted to the injury of some students and pedestrians.

But speaking during his stay at the University, Rep. Gray, in, a soft tone stated that his intension was in no way intended to cause chaos but was instead invited by his supporters who are students of the University.

The CDC lawmaker who bragged that the UL is part of his District stated, “I am here today because of an invitation received from my supporters who are also students of this University. And more besides, it is every Liberian Constitutional rights to go or visit any area of their choice.”

“Even though it is unfortunate that some students’ group would find pleasure in the disrupting of normal classes of our students, we as leaders will not sit and condone any act of said nature, and moving forward, I will visit this campus any time I want to, as long as I am in Liberia,” he added.

Nevertheless, Rep. Gray later left the UL campus following a prompt intervention and discussion by some officials believed to be from the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC).

Meanwhile, minutes after Rep. Gray left the University, Montserrado County District 10 Representative, Kolubah along with his supporters also stormed the campus of the University in solidarity of SUP.

Rep. Kolubah, during his visit at the University also saw a guy who could not be identified but was believed to be a supporter of Rep. Gray allegedly being brutally beaten and wounded by Rep. Kolubah supporters as well.

After parading the University campus, Rep. Kolubah who was also hailed by some students as a “Hero” later thanked the students and SUP for the unity aimed at fighting for their rights and freedom of expression, and thereby assured them of his fullest support and willingness to always form part of their activities.

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