Kuoh Continues Muslims’ Food Distribution During Ramadan

By Laurina B Lormia
The founder and CEO of Kuoh Foundation and Academy, Cassell Anthony Kuoh, continued his kind gesture of the distribution of thousands of bags of rice and cartons of oil to the Islamic community and mosques across the country.
Following the donations of food yesterday to several mosques, the Foundation budgeted over US$30,000 dollars for the donation of food to the Islamic community.
On March 26, the foundation, represented by its president, Newton Campbell, spoke clearly while representing the CEO, Cassell Anthony Kuoh, during the continuation of food distribution to several mosques.
“Mr. Kuoh and family, through his foundation, decided to reach out to several mosques to express their love and appreciation, and we also want to use this as a means of saying thank you for your previous and present prayers; we believe that it is because of your prayers during this holy month of Ramadan that we are enjoying the peace of this nation,” he said.
“We are from the Christian community, we all know that this holy month of Ramadan is the time of giving, caring, showing love to each other so that we can receive the blessings from Allah; in return, we saw it prudent enough to share with our Muslim brothers and sisters,” he added.
“This donation is not for us to just give away, but rather, this is the right thing to do, because we believe that the Islamic community is praying for us and the nation at large,” Campbell said.
“The Kouh foundation took the initiative during the Christmas season, we donated approximately over 600 to 800 bags of rice and other provisions to the Christian community, so we decided to do the same for the Islamic community in this month of fasting because we are one,” he stressed.
Furthermore, the Imams from various mosques extended their heartfelt gratitude to the Kuoh foundation, and released blessings and prayers to them for the donations.
The National Chief Imam of the Islamic Community from the Unity Mosque, Fish Market, Ali Krayee, extended his thanks and appreciation as Chief Imam for all mosques in Liberia, and released blessings upon the Kuoh Foundation for remembering them in their fast month.
“We pray that God will continue to bless our country with peace, stability, and unity, irrespective of religious and other backgrounds; what you have demonstrated today proves that we are one, regardless our ethnic backgrounds,” Krayee said.
For his part, SKD Boulevard Central Mosque Imam, Sheikh Omaru Kamara, said, “As it is written in the Koran, this month is the time of our blessing and a month of forgiveness, so we accept your gift and appreciate your kindness towards us; we don’t know how to say thank you, but we will forever remember your good and keep you in our prayers.”
Abraham T. Seawah from Nippy Town Central Mosque, Old Road, appreciated the Kuoh Foundation, stating, “We are getting in the crucial time of Ramadan, this is the time that we need this the most. When you do good, you get good rewards in return, may Allah add more to your foundation.”

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