Koon Leads ‘BLOC’ To Reject Speaker Koffa’s Appointments, If…

By Grace Q. Bryant

Montserrado County District 11 Representative, Richard Koon, says the appointment Speaker Fonati Koffa was surprising therefore, his block (Reformists) will address it sooner.

Rep. Koon’s action to Speaker Koffa appointments, was triggered by his appointment as Co-Chair on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, with Rep. Taa Wongbe, one of his supporters during the Speaker election, serving as the Committee Chairperson.

Rep. Koon described the appointment of various committee members as a ‘plot to silence his bloc’ and have total control over the leadership of the House of Representatives.

Other appointed committee members are Rep. Emmanuel Dahn, Chair on Executive Committee, Co-Chair Rep. Samuel Enders, while Rep. Marvin Cole was appointed as Chair on Rules and Orders, with Rep. Abu Kamara as Co- Chair.

“I am not going to reject or accept fully yet until I get back to my members, and we are waiting to see how the committee will be named, and we all will address the issue from the Speaker’s appointment,” Rep. Koon disclosed.

According to him, Speaker Koffa’s appointment is humiliating to their block by giving them a left-over committee to silence them from making decisions.

“But we as members of this block will remain mute on the appointments until all the committees are given to members of the House of Representatives. From there, we can come up with a rebuttal if we are not satisfied, or we will not work with them,” he noted.

He added, “As a Chair on my block, if they try to humiliate us, we will come with reaction immediately, but we will wait for now until all appointments are made before any further reaction; but from the way things are looking, I do not think the Speaker and his team are willing to work with us.”

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