The House of Representatives has summoned Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean to appear before plenary at 10:00am prompt today, March 2, over his failure to appear and give updates on debts incurred by some members of the Petroleum Dealers of Liberia.
Following a motion proffered by Lofa County District 3 Representative, Clarence Massaquoi, lawmakers voted Tuesday, February 28, for the Justice Minister to come along with his legal counsel and answer why “he should not be held in contempt.”
House’s Speaker Bhofal Chamber in discharging West Oil and MOTC for reportedly being in compliance, he asked why Mr. Musa Bility, the Chairman of Srimex should not be held in contempt for appearing before Plenary over debts in taxation.
Mr. Bility quickly mounted the podium with apology to that august body and said his absence was not intentional, but he was not in the country during the House’s invite.
Following several views from lawmakers, as some requested for the witness to do a written apology; while others said the verbal apology should be considered, it was however by consensus agreed upon that the Mr. Bility apology be granted, but should not repeat such.
The House of Representatives has also requested the appearance of authorities of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Justice and the Liberia Refugee Repatriation & Resettlement Commission (LRRRC).
Authorities of the line ministries and agency of government will address themselves to complaint filed against the LRRRC and the UNHCR by affected community of Bahn Zorwehplay since August 5, 2021 for turning over their indigenous land without benefit for the reintegration of Ivorian refugees.
Meanwhile, the entities from the Executive branch will appear on Thursday, March 2, in full plenary.
The House of Representatives has also invited authorities of the National Elections Commission- NEC, to abreast plenary of the basis on which the pending Voters registration for the October 2023 General and Presidential Election will be conducted.
The Communication from Nimba County District 8 Representative Larry Younquoi expressed, “Esteemed colleagues, you will agree with me that Article 80 (D) (E) of the 1986 Constitution of this Country clearly states how results of the National Population Census can be used to establish a representation threshold following the conduct of same.”
According to the lawmaker’s communication, his concern stems from the fact that the Legislature has not yet set an Electoral threshold as enshrined in the above-mentioned Articles of the constitution, yet NEC is poised to commence nation-wide voters’ registration during the latter part of March 2023.
“In the wake of these unanswered questions, I am asking this body to kindly invite the Chairperson and the entire Board of the Commissioner of NEC to address the full plenary on the subject matter at the soonest time possible”, he requested.
NEC will also appear on Thursday, March 2.