Juah Sarwee Memorial Institute Holds 1st Commencement

By Precious D. Freeman
The Juah Sarwee Memorial Welfare Institute in New Kru Town over the weekend held its first commencement ceremony thereby graduating seven 12th graders.
At the graduation ceremony held on last Saturday, the National Chairperson for the former ruling party, the Unity Party (UN), Amin Modad, urged the graduates to push farther in their education sojourn.
Mr. Modad said completing secondary education is just the beginning of learning therefore the graduates should excel to higher levels; reminding them that learning requires significance and repository steps.
He explained that since the first step is over, they should continue to press forward because education involves series of steps pointing out, “Life is difficult to achieve and once it is achieved by education, it becomes the best way of life.”
He said education is the transformation of knowledge, learning and good behavior adding that education is the best legacy and being an educated person means a lot to the society because it helps to develop the country and contribute to one’s life sojourn.
The keynote speaker also encouraged the graduates to be patient to learn in order for them to enjoy life and become great leaders of tomorrow thereby advising that nothing should be an obstacle in their learning process.
“Today is the beginning and not the ending of your academic sojourn; I encourage you all to run your academic journey with courage, persistency and determination because your future depends on you and you must take the mantle of your own future,” he stated.
The guest speaker then promised to assist with the school’s library project while at the same time is calling on the government for help so that the library upon completion is able to meet the educational standard.
The Juah Sarwee Memorial Welfare was founded in March 2003 by Director Robert B. Teah who explained how the challenges he had to encounter had not been so easy which involve controlling a newly established school which charged as tuition L$20 per semester.
Meanwhile, Mr. Teah who expressed joy that the situation is seeing improvements, honored the founder of Onance International Christian School, Pastor Aaron J. Wheagar, for his hard work and meaningful contributions to the students’ wellbeing and to the society in general.

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