Huge Quantity Of Marijuana Arrested In Lofa

Report reaching this medium says a 42-year-old man has been arrested with huge quantity of marijuana in Voinjama City, Lofa County.
Suspect Abraham Mallah was arrested on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 in the Sheriff Quarter in Voinjama.
According to a Special Agent of the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) in Lofa County, suspect Abraham Mallah was arrested with the harmful substance in the Sheriff Quarter early Wednesday.
Agent Kpehe Lomax said the suspect had been pretending to be a photographer in the community but, had been selling marijuana to youth in the community under concealment.
“The guy used to move in the community with a camera pretending to be a camera man, not knowing that he is a big drug dealer,” Agent Lomax said.
Suspect Mallah has admitted to the crime and asked for mercy while the street value of the marijuana is more than L$50,000
Meanwhile, the suspect was on Thursday, November 14, charged and sent to court.

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