House Mandates Finance To Prioritize Legislative Staffers Salaries

By Grace Q. Bryant
The Leadership of the House of Representatives has mandated the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning to collaborate closely with its Ways, Means, and Finance Committee, to ensure the prompt payment of salaries to dedicated staff of the Legislature before the week concludes.
The decision was reached during the 5th Day Leadership Meeting, as Speaker J. Fonati Koffa emphasized the urgency of addressing the issue of salaries for legislative staffers, highlighting the importance of their work.
In a statement from the House Press Bureau, Speaker Koffa assured the staffers that the Ways, Means, and Finance Committee is actively working in tandem with the Ministry of Finance to expedite the salary processing, demonstrating a commitment to resolving this matter swiftly.
The decision was made following the appearance of the Minister of Finance, Boima Kamara, and his two deputies for Budget and Fiscal Affair on Monday, March 11, marking a pivotal step toward ensuring the financial well-being of the Legislative staff.
The Leadership urges all stakeholders to recognize the gravity of the situation, and appreciates the collaborative efforts between the House of Representatives and the Ministry of Finance to address this crucial matter promptly.

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