Gibson, Tweh To Address PUL’s
Wilmot Blyden Forum Today

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) will today, October 13, 2021 hold a special edition of the Edward Wilmot Blyden Intellectual Discourse Series.
The Intellectual Discourse Series will be held at the SMART-Liberia Hall in Jallah Town, 2nd Street Sinkor at 1:00 P.M.
The PUL has invited Cllr. Charles E. Gibson, Minister of Labour, Republic of Liberia and Oswald Tweh, president of the Liberia Chambers of Commerce to serve as panelists.
The Intellectual Discourse Series will primarily focus on the promotion of the domestication of the ILO Conventions # 100, # 138, and the 1986 ILO Amendment to its Constitution.
The ILO Convention # 100 highlights equal remuneration while Convention # 138 talks about the Minimum Age Convention.
The gathering is part of efforts to raise awareness on the significance of the ratification and domestication of the ILO Conventions.
The PUL invites workers, media, youths, and students, other stakeholders in the labor sector, and opinion leaders to grace the all-important occasion.
The Intellectual Discourse Forum is a flagship program held live on radios and television stations as a detailed agenda-setting platform to enable open governance and transform societies.
Edward Wilmot Blyden in whose honor this forum is named fled Liberia in 1885 after what is recorded as an unsuccessful run for the Presidency.
He is best remembered as an African patriot whose works contributed to the rise of Pan-Africanism and continues to inspire many generations across the globe.
Blyden believed that posterity would reward those who spoke with their conscience even if what was said was against powerful forces.

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