For Requesting Over US$74, 000 In FY Budget: Bong Supt. Norris Lashed

By Stephen N. Tokpah
-Bong (freelance)
Bong County Superintendent, Hawa Norris has received barrage of criticisms from residents regarding the allotment of US$100,000 and US$74,900 in the draft budget of the county for the purchasing of vehicles and other administrative cost.
Many residents believe that the money should not be used to buy vehicles for the county officials, instead, they argue it should be spent on projects that will improve the lives of the ordinary people in the County.
In a radio discussion on various community radio stations in Gbarnga, concerned citizens expressed their disappointments in the county leadership, pointing out that it is unacceptable to spend such a whooping amount on vehicles just for four leaders, when there are more pressing needs in the county.
They emphasized that the funds should support meaningful initiatives that will benefit local institutions.
According to the citizens, if the superintendent requires vehicles for administrative purposes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) should handle the procurement process.
They believe it is inappropriate to use the county’s Development Funds for this kind of expense.
They called for more transparency and accountability in how the county funds are spent.
A draft budget released by the County Council Chairman, Aaron Sackie-Fenlah, showed that the superintendent and other county officials, including the County Administrative Officer (CAO) and County Finance Officer (CFO), are set to receive the US$100,000 for vehicle purchases.
This has further fueled the controversy among the residents.
Many residents feel that it is selfish for the superintendent to use such a significant portion of the development funds for personal vehicles.
They argue that this money could be better spent on projects that directly benefit the community, such as improving schools or healthcare facilities.
The criticism also connects to past actions by former Superintendent Esther Nyamah Walker, who faced similar backlash for using county funds for vehicle purchases under the administration of President George Weah.
Citizens are concerned that if similar mistakes are being repeated, it set a bad precedent.
Adding to their concerns, citizens voiced their discontent over the proposed budget allocation of $74,900 for county administrative costs.
They said that essential institutions, such as C.B. Dunbar and Phebe hospitals, are receiving much smaller budgetary allocations, which they find unacceptable.
The citizens have called on Mr. Fenla, to take action.
They urge him to remove the vehicles purchase allocations from the draft budget of the county’s development agenda and instead direct the funds to more meaningful projects that will benefit the community.
Recently, Bong County Superintendent Norris submitted a proposed draft budget to the County Council for approval in the tone of US$ 1,446,400 for the development of the county.

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