Fisheries Media Group Commends NaFAA

The Liberia Media Advocacy Group for Fisheries and Ocean Governance (LiMAGFOG) extols step taken by authorities of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) to resolve a matter involving artisanal fishermen in Liberia.

Recently, fishermen representing the Liberia Artisanal Fishermen Association (LAFA) made a radio appearance on SKY FM, expressing indignation in fishing license fees levied by the Liberian government.

The fishermen said the fees charged for fishing in Liberian waters do not commensurate with the high cost of living and called for reduction in the fees.

Days following the radio appearance, the fisheries management body invited the agitating fishermen for a dialogue which is considered the best alternative for the fisheries industry.

NaFAA had deployed its staff across fishing communities in the country to enforce collection of fisheries license fees for 2023 having reached a decision to relax the enforcement exercise for a month, while conversations are held with the Legislature for possible adjustment of the fees.

NaFAA’s enforcement and compliance exercise is often backed by armed personnel representing the Armed Forces of Liberia’s Coast Guard Service for the purpose of dealing with security concerns but the fishermen were apprehensive of armed men being used in the collection of fees.

At the meeting, the management of the fisheries authority reached a decision to avoid the Coast Guard during future revenue collection operations but would replace them with unarmed Liberia National Police officers.

LiMAGFOG believes such move by the regulator of the fisheries sector to resolve a potential conflict deserves commendation and called on both parties to consolidate the gains recorded in the sector by collaborating for the common good of the industry.

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