FeJAL Boss Challenges
Newsroom Managers

By Precious D Freeman
The President of the Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FeJAL), Siatta Scott-Johnson, is calling on Liberian newsroom managers to hire more professional females on their editorial boards.
During her power point presentation Wednesday at a day-long media workshop held in Monrovia, Madam Scott-Johnson stressed the importance for newsroom managers to have equal numbers of male and female reporters in their media institutions.
The workshop which was organized by the United Nations Communication Group in collaboration with FeJAL is in observance of the International Women’s Day under the theme, “Promoting gender equality for a sustainable tomorrow.”
The FeJAL boss believed that the equal representation of females along their male counterpart on editorial boards and in newsrooms across the country, will create the space for everyone to feel a part of the decision making.
Madam Scott-Johnson also indicated that women cover half of the population in the world and as such, they should be given equal opportunity to explore their potentials.
Meanwhile, the FeJAL president stressed that now is a perfect and unique opportunity to promote gender balanced activities before the conduct of the most anticipated 2023 presidential and legislative elections in order to set a stage for the election of more ladies in national leadership.
Madam Scott-Johnson also indicated that the society belongs to everyone and that the perspectives of women must be heard in the public space.

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