FC Down Town Dumps Red Lion 4-2 In LFA Third Division Chase

FC Down Town on Tuesday came from 1-0 down and dumped Red Lion FC 4-2 in the Liberia Football Association (LFA) Central Monrovia Sub-Committee league played at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS).
Amadu Kromah got the match opening goal for the losing side in the 23rd minute through placement but the winning side FC Down Town striker Thomas Manneh hit in his side equalizer in the 3th minute through a forceful shot from the 18th yard which Gabriel Omale hit in FC Down Town second goal in the 44th minute which ended the first half 2-1 at the advantage of the winning side.
Red Lion FC equalizer came in the 50th minute through defensive blunder but
Substitute Samuel Wilson made things worst for the losing side in the 60th and 77th minutes resectively through powerful shots.
Striker Wilson who scored two of Down Town FC four goals exlained that their victory is a deserving victory and that the victory has positioned them among the first two teams in the table, but called on his fellow players to now focus their attention on their remaining games to come.
Said Wilson: “I’m calling on my fellow players to now focus their attention on our remaining games to come so that we will be able to score the necessary victories against our oopponents which could qualify us for the second stage of the league and I’m pleased to say thank you to our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Pokar Roberts for his continuous support for the growth of FC Down Town.
Striker Amadu Kromah who scored Red Lion first goal attributed his defeat to the failure of memberts of his forward line to put into better use the majority of their scoring chances but urged his fellow players to learn from the mistakes made in the game and better prepare for their remaining games.

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