Eminent Fallout Over Non-Partisans In Weah’s Gov’t?

It is expected that there might be serious fallout of senior officials in the Weah-led government over non-partisans in key positions as part of the Coalition of Democratic Change (CDC) priority mandate in the coming days.
Fear is already beginning to grab civil servants who are not supporters of the Weah-led administration and are serving their country and with the recent mandate issued to all government ministries and agencies regarding their allegiance to the ruling party.
The overturn of Oliver Dillon’s appointment based upon a mandate from the political party is the most recent impact ordinary citizens are yet to overcome and that is said to be creeping fear of job insecurity among civil servants that they could also be affected by similar scheme being enforced against non-partisans by the ruling CDC.
Recently in a press interaction with the CDC Chairperson, Mulbah Morlue at its Party’s headquarters, he stressed that it does not make sense for true CDCians who fought so hard for the change to sit without jobs while those in opposition who are die-hard critics who stood against the ruling establishment during their struggle to state power be enjoying the fruits of their sweat.
“I sent lists of our committed partisans to ministries and agencies for employment and our lists were treated like trash. They said there were no vacancies and we did not complain because we believe they are there for the interest of the Presidents,” Mr. Morlu emphasized.
He roared that but where there is vacancy, non-CDCians should not be given such jobs and use task payers money to strike back while qualified members of the CDC are denied the opportunity to work in order to support their families, protect the President’s legacy as well as empower them for the pending 2023 elections.
The CDC Chairperson categorically insisted that the party will not condone any minister of director of agencies to forsake their members who were there in opposition throughout and allow others to benefit from their sweat.
Rumors and facebook posts of citizens have begun considering the action of the CDC government as targeting a particular tribal group like the Dillons are from Grand Bassa County while Brownie Samukai, from Lofa as well as the sacking of Precious Tetty who hails from Nimba County sometime last year from the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection based on free speech which the party believed were not in their favor.
There are much murmuring among employees who are tight-lip on the lists being compiled and sent out to various ministries and agencies containing the names of non-CDCians who are to be replaced in the coming days with Internal Affairs and Gender being among the targeted ministries.
Senior employees are said to be warned to change the way they discuss issues against the government because by doing so is at their own detriment on the job while at other areas in government, employees are being openly threatened that they should stop speaking out against the government otherwise, they will not be guaranteed jobs in this government.
The rumored lists of perceived non-CDCians is said to have been a work in progress since the coming into existence of the government who itself has refused to make shuffles amidst all the calls of surrounding their incompetency by the starting players in this regime.
The party sought an avenue to launch the cleaning up exercise of those whom the ruling establishment was not comfortable with by sending unrealistic lists of individuals to be employed disregarding the CSA’s standard procedure for employment.
It is reported that there was also another plot to use the COVID-l9 pandemic to relieve some people off their positions in the government under the scheme of declaring them as non-essential workers but that too, was short-lived.
All the efforts to boot out non-CDCians by the ruling party is apparently geared towards putting its members in strategic positions before the 2020 senatorial race, but the fear of backlash amongst electorates at the polls made the party stalwarts to shelve it.
“Morlu’s recent outburst of their decision to fight back at non-CDCian sends out a clear message that the story of the listings may appear true and that it is their plan to create jobs for their partisans before the 2023 election so that they can boast that there was job created by the government during its first term,” a highly placed government employee pointed out.

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