“Drugs Issue Is Not From My Government” …Weah Responds Sharply

By Precious D Freeman

President George Weah has for the first time in public, sharply reacted to opposition’s repeated assertion that his government is to blame for the in-take of illicit drugs issue in the country.

According to him, the issue of drugs is an age-old issue in Liberia, and his government cannot be held responsible and for what he considered a false and misleading claim, the Liberian leader added, “My government refuses to be labeled as such.”

Speaking at a political rally in Gbenquelleh District, Bong County, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Standard Bearer warned his partisans not to be fooled or carried away by false accusations against him and his government.

“Drugs have been around since I was a child; they used to call it ‘ten-ten’ and even the past government in 2014 then planned to close down the Palm Groove Cemetery in Central Monrovia because it was at the time harboring illegal drug users, but I told them to respect the dead at the time,” he further narrated.

He blasted that the opposition is very lazy and is spreading fake news around.

Weah at the same time used the occasion to encourage his supporters to be aware of such false information and not to be distracted by what he described as failed opposition.

“I do not know what they call Kush but all I know is football and I will not support or bring in such bad things in the country,” Weah further clarified.

He also blamed families for harboring those who are bringing in drugs, including those who are taking it in as well.

However, he warned young Liberians to desist from taking in drugs because it is destroying their future.

According to him, his government is working very hard to help solve the national problem, which he emphasized was not created by his government, rather, they inherited it.

The President furthered that he believes in women participation, and that he would promote the Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, so that after his second term, he would bring her back on stage.

According to him, women’s participation in the political process is of paramount importance to the growth and development of Liberia. He has recommitted his government to continuing to enable Liberian women realize their individual and collective potentials.

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