Dr. Muriel Nelson Gets 2ND Term As
United Methodist Women President

The United Methodist Women in Liberia have reelected as president Dr. Muriel Victoria Nelson, for a four-year tenure on grounds of aggressive development in the interest of women of the country.
Dr. Nelson, who served the position of Dean at the Bryant Theological Seminary, AME University, was reelected unopposed at the Ganta United Methodist Mission Station in Nimba County.
Her term ends in January 2026, making her ineligible for the same position. The election of officials of the United Methodist Women Organization in Liberia is one of the outcomes of the recent annual women gathering of the United Methodist Church in Liberia.
The women met in Ganta, Nimba County on January 24-30, 2022 and elected alongside the president, Lucia Herbert, Vice president; Ophelia J. S. Kennedy, Secretary; Sayblee Crayton, Assistant Secretary; Felecia P. Wollor, Treasurer; Wehaty Sangalaine, Financial Secretary and Jenneh Kandakai, Assistant Financial Secretary amongst others.
Meanwhile, the United Methodist Women in Liberia have resolved to embark on an endeavor that unifies women within West Africa of the United Methodist Denomination.
Sierra Leone is a strong partner to Liberia to build and reignite the spirit of oneness and solidarity among United Methodist Women in Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the four countries that make up the West Africa Central Conference of The United Methodist Church, a statement from the UMC women in Liberia says.
Under the leadership of Dr. Nelson, the United Methodist Women Organization has been at its busiest for the past four years.
According to report from the organization, over 500 women learned quick skills in soap making, air freshener making, Clorox production among others at their Ganta Conference.
Report from the women’s leadership contained a landmark intervention that transformed lives of at least 20 wayward girls by exposing them to counseling, shelters and education. Some of the 20 are said to be enrolled at the United Methodist University in Monrovia.
Liberia is experiencing the swelling of gender-based violence cases to include sexual harassment, rape, and other violence of physical and psychological impacts on women and children.
The United Methodist Women Organization of the Liberia Annual Conference marched in the principal streets of Ganta in protest of the maltreatment bordering on sexual crimes meted against women and children.
More than 1000 women wore black and displayed placards with anti-sexual violence inscriptions. “Thursdays in Black”, they called such a public display of their aspiration against unlawful and unconsent sexual attempts and acts on women in the country, and that was recognized as a remarkable event embedded in the one week gathering in Ganta.
The United Methodist Women Organization in Liberia seems to be the most vibrant auxiliary of the denomination in the last 4 years.
The unit seems to be growing in spiritual life, creating worth and increasing impact in the lives of women and girls in and out of the church. With the accumulation of 85.5 acres of land, it is projected that three regional villages will be constructed as safe homes, education and resource center as well as to create job opportunities and empowerment for women, children, girls and youths.
Dr. Nelson, the wife of the president of the University of Liberia, Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson, Jr. was born on October, 14, 1962 in the City of Bensonville, Montserrado County, and graduated from the Cathedral Catholic High School in Monrovia in 1983.
She pursued her Undergraduate education at the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary, Monrovia earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Education, and she earned it with distinction as the Summa Cum Laude in 1997. She earlier obtained an Advanced Diploma in Accounting from the Arthur Barclay Technical Institute in 1989.
She acquired a Master of Arts in Christian Education from the Methodist Theological Seminary in Ohio, USA. She has focused her time and expertise on Youth Ministry and has dedicated her life towards service and developing youth capacity within the Christian Community.
She had over the course of her professional career worked in multiple capacities as an Office Assistant, Business Manager, Administrative Assistant, and Financial Officer all within the ecosystem of the Methodist Church, international organizations, and other public institutions and entities.

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