Dr. Cassell Dishes Out L$1.5M
To Marketers, Youths, Elders In Bong
… Assures Liberians Their Money Will Be Used On Them

Dr. Daniel E. Cassell says the PLP led-government will ensure that the wealth and resources of the country are equitably distributed among the citizenry.
The Vision Bearer of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP) admonished Liberians against pledging their support to recycled and failed Liberian politicians who take loans from commercial banks and other areas to win their minds during electioneering period.
Dr. Cassell pointed out that for too long; Liberian politicians have been putting “susu” and using loans to buy rice and other materials to persuade electorates to cast their votes in their favor.
In Liberia, susu is a local form of saving money between two or more persons.
He emphasized that when elected, these failed politicians normally turned away from those who elected them and keep focus on repaying loans and improving them and their respective family members living conditions.
Dr. Cassell made these comments when he inducted into offices the local leadership of the PLP headed by Morris Johnson in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
“We are going to continue to impact the lives of our people and you will not be left behind. The PLP believes in equitable distribution and the people of this country are going to feel the impact under a PLP led-government”.
“The PLP believes in empowerment of our people; giving loan to our mothers, marketers, providing access to medical care for our people, the supporting of farmers, entertainment and the tourism industry, construction of roads and the infrastructural sector. We will make PLP different. The reason why PLP will fulfill those promises is because PLP is doing these things now.”
He urged Liberians not to be carried away by empty promises from politicians who desperately need their votes during electioneering period.
He called on citizens to follow and thoroughly scrutinize the track records of those vying for elected offices before making a determination for the sake of their children’s future.
Dr. Cassell promised that the PLP will not be like other political parties that normally take “susu” and avoid paying on time.
“When somebody who does not have money come to you for credit, look at that person history. If in the past the person took money and paid or they been taking susu and paying on time that’s how you know tomorrow when you credit them, they would not pay. How do you know that during PLP administration this country is going to transform or your lives are going to improve? It’s by looking at our track records and the different interventions that we have made and are going to make,” he advised.
“That’s small baby giving scholarships, building roads, markets, and providing buses for affordable and cheap transportation service with the small money God blessed the baby with; you can image when the baby is in charge of the whole country money. It going to be used on the people because, the country money is for the people and not for anybody. The people are going to be a priority for us,” he assured.
Dr. Cassell called on citizens to join the “liberation train” as he strive to ensure the best for those who have been marginalized, stigmatized, downplayed and neglected in their own country.
He vowed to be the “voice for the voiceless” in the Liberian society regardless of any circumstances or conditions.
He maintained that he will continue to advocate for less fortunate Liberians in a bid to ensure that their plights are addressed and the voices are heard.
“Dr. Cassell is here to encourage you to join the liberation train. This train is here for the poor, disabled, market women, motorcyclists, for our people who they call good for nothing and all the less fortunate. I am the friend of the poor and the strength for the weak. I will not let your down”.
Dr. Cassell pointed out that his decision taken to contest the highest seat in Liberia is not for not to satisfy his personal aggrandizement, but to fight and ensure that the Liberian people, especially less fortunate Liberians benefit their equal share of the country’s wealth and resources.
He noted that vast majority of Liberians remain hopeless of things working in their favor as a result of the continuous manner and form in which their wellbeing has been downplayed by those who they elected to the helm of power.
According to him, most Liberians are left in a state of uncertainty, with nowhere to go or turn, but he has come to give hope to the hopeless citizens with a call on them to join the “liberation train”.
Dr. Cassell emphasized that God has heard the cries of weeping Liberians and has sent him to liberate and give hope to the suffering Liberian masses.
He noted that as a servant and advocate for change, he remains fully prepared and willing to go the extra mile in helping to alleviate the mountainous challenges confronting Liberia and its citizens.
“This is the time for us to join this train because; we are ready to serve our people. We have to be open participants on the liberation train because, our children will judge us”.
Dr. Cassell maintained that the days are nearing where failed and recycled politicians will be retired from public service and Liberians will again enjoy the benefits of their country’s resources.
He said the future of the Liberian people will be secured when the PLP becomes victorious in the upcoming 2023 general and presidential elections.
He added that those who have been marginalized, neglected and made less fortunate, underprivileged and disenfranchised in their own country should not hesitate to join the PLP if they must be treated equally and benefit from their fair share of the country’s resources as compare to other Liberian citizens who are in power.
Dr. Cassell indicated that the nation and its people will benefit positively if the natural resources are distributed equitably, instead of benefiting a selective few government officials and their respective family members.
He, however, reminded Liberians to avoid selling their votes to politicians for little or nothing.
“Gone are the days when they bring bag of rice and other materials to you people to ask for your votes in return. Our people have plenty sense now; they cannot be used or abused now. The PLP has come to change the political trademark in Liberia and our humanitarian works to identify with our people that started more than six years ago can speak for us. I believe in equitable distribution and impacting the lives of my people”.
He vowed to continue to impact the lives of Liberians, especially less fortunate and underprivileged citizens in the society.
Meanwhile, the PLP political leader has contributed L$1.5 Million to help address some of the challenges confronting residents of Salala district in Bong County.
Out of the total money, the amount of L$500,000 each was committed as interest free loan to marketers, and vocational and technical skills training education for less fortunate youths in the area.
About L$250,000 each was also committed to traditional leaders and made as donation for medical services.
In another development, Dr. Cassell has also been gowned and certificated by a group of women under the banner the “FASSO” Women In Gbarnga, Bong County.
Dr. Cassell was appreciated for his numerous humanitarian works and contributions intended to combat against poverty and improve the living conditions of citizens.

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