Dist. 16 Residents Vehemently Oppose Seboe’s Reelection

By S. Siapha Mulbah
Several residents of District 16 in Montserrado County have launched a campaign to prevent the reelection of the incumbent lawmaker, Dixon Seboe.
According to them, Representative Seboe has used the district office at the Capitol Building to exploit residents of basic programs that he promised before his election.
Speaking at a mass gathering yesterday, the aggrieved district dwellers accused Dixon Seboe of conniving with the Minister of Youth and Sport, Zoegar Wilson to divert fund that belong to them in the Beach and Water-Way Project to personal use.
David Nimely said the Representative Seboe was voted for by the masses in the district with the expectation that he would adequately represent them and serve as a better negotiator for the people.
“Contrary to what we thought, the man we voted to become a member of the Legislature has turned out to be one of the greatest embarrassments we have; not only in our district but the country. Dixon Seboe is now a national thug and a first-class criminal and nobody will vote him again in District 16,” Nimely maintained.
He added that the lawmaker used his influence to persuade the residents to sign up for the beach cleaning project and later converted their benefits to his accounts.
“Representative Dixon Seboe has bitten more than what he would ever chew; we are going to make sure he leaves that office as a lawmaker. He deserves no more time to be called honorable; that man is a thug and a demon to the people he represents,” Nimely stressed.
Another resident, Teta Wisseh said in New Kru Town, since the election of the incumbent, there have been no decision taken to benefit the communities in the district.
She called on the CDC-led government to disengage from all political business with Representative Seboe so as to avoid inheriting his October 10, electoral defeat as a defeat to the government.
“We have the power in our hands and this will only be seen at the ballot box during the coming election; we, as residents of district 16, are going to vote out that national demon calling himself Dixon Seboe. Anyone at the level of the presidency that will do political business with Seboe will be resisted and we are going to vote all of them out,” Miss Wesseh added.
According to her, most of those expressing dissatisfaction in the CDC lawmaker are CDCians but will turn against the party if the CDC leadership continues to push people like Dixon Seboe on them.
“The President brought Dixon Seboe to us during the election and we voted him on the party mandate. If it happens this year, that the CDC come stand before us again with Seboe, George Weah will lose that district because we are resolve,” she averred.

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