By Grace Q. Bryant
The Monrovia City Court has sent disrobed ERU officer James S. Togba to the Monrovia Central Prison for allegedly killing Olando Broh in the Popo Beach, Point Four Community.
City Court Judge Jomah Jallah took the decision yesterday after the Liberia National Police (LNP) forwarded defendant Togba to the court for prosecutions
According to the police charged sheet, on July 7, defendant Togba was arrested and turned over to the Crime Against Person Unit (CAPU) for his complicity in the death of Olando.
“He was informed of his Miranda rights, investigated and charged with the crimes of Murder and Aggravated Assault for knowing, purposely, intentionally killing victim Orlando and causing serious bodily injury on victim Kendrick Karnely in violation of Chapter 14, section 14.1, Section 14. 20,” the charge sheet revealed.
The Police charge sheet established that on July 4, during the evening hours, defendant Togba went to the Fuel Oil Community in New Kru Town behind the Liberia Electricity Corporation power plant to solicit money from the disadvantage youths as usual but met fierce resistance against his demand.
The charged sheet further explained that because his demand was not being met, he begun to damage the tents sheltering those disadvantage youths who are bent on taking in illicit drug substances.
“When he realized that his action was not yielding result, he reverted to demanding that they all leave from under the tent and wasting no time, he took few steps behind, advanced his 9mm Smith and Wesson pistol with Serial number MRA 0532 and shot directly at the disadvantage youths,” the charged is quoted.
The police charged said the bullet hit the deceased in his chest, on the right breast and then exited at his back thereby hitting victim Karnley on his finger.
The charged further said that when the defendant noticed that he shot someone, he attempted to escape the scene but he was pursued by a group of already angry zogoes who grabbed, disarmed and beat him but he was rescued through the intervention of a National Security Agency (NSA) officer identified as Patrl James S. Togba.
The police findings revealed that there was no confrontation or tussle between the victim and defendant that led to the direct shooting therefore assumed that the defendant’s action is in violation of Rule four of the four cardinal rules of the fire arm that clearly states, “Beware of your target and what is beyond your target.”