By Laurina B Lormia
The Engineering Society of Liberia (ESOL), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works, is urging the government and various organizations to strictly engage only licensed engineers for all engineering projects in Liberia.
Addressing the press on Tuesday July, 9, ESOL’s president Dadley Toe emphasized the importance of professional standards and qualifications compliance with infrastructure developments across Liberia.
According to him, this measure underscores their commitment to upholding professional integrity and advancing the overall development of the country’s infrastructure sector.
In October 2023, the Engineering Society of Liberia achieved a major milestone by officially documenting its organization in the handbook, to establish its legal authority.
“The infrastructure development in Liberia, especially within government sectors, is a pressing concern. The current state of buildings and facilities reveals significant deficiencies that need immediate remediation,” Toe stressed.
He added that by next year January 2025, they will begin to issue licenses to people who are qualified and up to the task of engineering in Liberia.
“We must acknowledge the efforts of the Liberian government and the Ministry of Public Works for stepping up their game to ensure that collaboration with them involved engineers who are registered,” he narrated.
He expressed, “As Engineering Society of Liberia, we have made some strides across West Africa, Africa and the world at large; we are a full member of the African Federation of Engineering Organization and World Federation of Engineering Organization.”
“Liberians need to recognize, value and appreciate their engineers; there are lots of great engineers in this country who can be compared to other engineers around the world,” he stated.
Meanwhile, the chairperson of the 2025 ESOL Conference, Eric Gabriel Jrenn-Judgges, announced that, the upcoming conference is anticipated to attract engineers not only from the sub-region but also from around the globe.
He concluded that, in consultation with the president and the Conference Committee, their promise is to deliver a conference that unites over 500 Liberian engineers.
The conference aimed at inspiring new ideas, foster collaboration, and contribute to the advancement of engineering excellence on a global scale.