Cummings Foundation Provides US$ 150, 000 For Covid Fight

By Precious D. Freeman
The founder of the Cummings Africa Foundation (CAF), Alexander B. Cummings, has contributed US$150,000 towards the fight of the Covid-19.
”I am pleased to announce that the Foundation is committing US$150,000 which is $25 million Liberian Dollars as our initial contribution to this fight, this doubles the US$75,000 the Cummings Foundation provided during the lockdown last year in food and household materials across the country” the Foundation’s CEO noted.
Extoling President George Manneh Weah for allowing him work along with the government in order to helping to save the nation through these painful and difficult times, he mentioned that so far, they have provided oxygen for 50 tanks to the private-run Catholic Hospital and procured 20 tanks and 20 regulators for government CH Rennie Hospital to be delivered this weekend.
The Cummings Africa Foundation is geared towards empowering and uplifting Africa and Africans in the areas of education, health and Agriculture, at the same time initiate stakeholder consultations community engagement, stimulating knowledge sharing to strengthen local capacity, among others.
Speaking at the press conference recently held at CAF building, standard bearer of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) explained that he was out of the country when this wave began with the news about people dying and the virus spreading, he immediately returned home and offered to work with the government as best as he can.
According to him, the foundation is moving quickly to purchase and provide the much needed medical supplies to hospitals like, oxygen, drugs, masks, gloves, gowns, oximeters, cleaning supplies, hand-washing buckets among others.
ANC standard bearer promised that the Foundation will continue to do what they can to help Liberians during these difficult times, and will assist as best as they can to help the government in its response.
He added that he knows what it means to lose a loved one, but the truth is that everyone will die one day, and if he can help one family to save the life of their loved ones by helping a hospital or clinic improve its response capacity, he believes it will make a difference which will mean the world to him and the Country.
”I am getting involved and helping not as a politician, but because Liberia is under serious threat and as a Liberian am also threatened; unless we all try to do our best for each other, all of us will continue to be at risk even if we hide ourselves in our homes,” he realized.
Meanwhile, he promised to call friends and business partners for help while at the same time calling on Liberians in the diaspora to rally around, because according to him, there is need to give each other the best chance to succeed and save lives by seriously committing to doing their part.
”I am sure people will help us, but we have to first help ourselves, this is why I say to all of you that we all should do our part; by adhering to the health protocols which includes wearing masks over the mouths and noses, washing hands at all times, avoid crowded places, among others, in doing that together we will defeat Covid,” he mentioned.

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