CPP Unveils Revised Framework Document Today

The Alternative National Congress (ANC) and the Liberty Party have approved a revised Framework Document of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), after the fallout of the Unity Party and the All Liberian Party.

The two Parties unanimously endorsed the ANC Political Leader, Alexander B. Cummings as the Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties and Liberty Party’s Musa H. Bility.
The revised CPP Framework Document will formally be presented to partisans of the ANC and the LP today, August 23, at a special program to be held at the 19 Street Sinkor, headquarters of the Liberty Party.
Partisans of the Alternative National Congress and the Liberty Party have reaffirmed their unwavering support and commitment to the revised Framework Document as the common rallying point for all Liberians desirous of real change in Liberia.
The CPP Standard Bearer Cummings and Chairman Bility expressed gratitude to the special joint committee of the two parties, headed by Atty Lafayette Gould for the new revised Framework Document that has been accepted, approved and endorsed by the leadership and partisans.
The two officials expressed confidence and assurance that the new revised Framework Document provides rooms and allows accommodation for other interested opposition political parties, politicians and Liberians, using it as the best platform to rally and vote out President George Weah in the 2023 General and Presidential elections.
Meanwhile, the special joint committee of the two parties have invited partisans of the Alternative National Congress, the Liberty Party, as well supporters, sympathizers and opposition politicians and leaders to attend the presentation ceremony which begins at 12 noon.

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