By P. Stephen Tokpah
Bong freelancer
The Resident Judge of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court in Bong County, on Monday, May 13, 2024, ordered the Clerk of Court to issue a Writ of Summon against members of the Bong County Bar Association who shunned the opening of the May 2024 Term of Court.
Judge J. Boima Kontoe said the Writ of Arrest or Summon which will be issued, will affect those who are always in the constant habit of missing their judiciary duties, noting that the court will underwrite the cost by transporting sheriffs of the 9th Judicial Circuit Court to arrest or summon those absentees.
Judge Kontoe, who didn’t disclose the penalties for members who missed Monday’s court opening, described the lawyers’ actions as “lawlessness and sad”, insisting that it runs contrary to the oath they took to always endeavor to provide legal services to their counties of origin.
He said the lawyers of the Bong County Bar Association who always miss the opening of Court will be held in contempt for deliberately refusing to attend the opening of court.
The Ninth Judicial Circuit Court’s residents said the Writ of Summon will compel the absentees to appear in Court on May 16, 2024, to answer questions why they should not be held in contempt.
This is not the first time for Judge Kontoe to issue a Writ of Arrest against members of the Bong County Bar Association for refusing to attend a court opening.
According to court records, the Bong County Bar Association has 23 Counselors and 50 County Attorneys, but for the Monday, May 13 AD Term of court opening, several of them were absent from the court opening ceremony.
For her part, the Vice president of the Bong County Bar Association, Atty Tona Kapu Jallah, lauded Judge Kontoe for the Writ of Summon to be served to those who are always absent from court openings in the county.
The Bong County Bar Association Vice president further revealed that some members of the local bar have refused to even pay their dues or attend a meeting of the organization.
She said the refusal of her colleagues to properly work with the entity is undermining the growth and development of the Judiciary system of the county.