Contempt Charge Awaits
Bridge International Academics

On separate occasions, Bridge International now New Globe has refused to submit to Legislative Inquiry despite efforts exerted by that august body up today.

The House of Representatives summoned the management of Bridge Liberia on Tuesday, November 1, 2023 on fraudulent charges but management has since refused to come to the august body.

Reports have it that they have been doing back dealings with some members of the Legislature hoping the issue with them gets overturned leaving some lawmakers without any alternative but to hold them in contempt.

Bridge Liberia is currently managed by Gbovadeh Gbilia, former Minister under Ellen.Montserrado District 9 Representative, Frank Saah Foko could neither confirm nor deny if Bridge Liberia will be held in contempt.

The Montserrado Representative recently told the Legislature that the company is defrauding the government in millions from duty free privileges that they should not be entitled to.

He decried the deplorable conditions of government schools under their watch and said they are making millions and using less on schools.

The lawmaker is calling for a full financial outlook of Bridge Liberia on their one hundred USD per child and how that is greatly impacting education in Liberia.Bridge has a history of bad labor, unfavorable working conditions and usage of limited resources in schools at the detriment of students and poor parents enhancing foreign wealth.

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