Citizens Want Gov’t Rehabilitate People With Mental Illnesses

By Precious D. Freeman

Several citizens are urging the Government of Liberia to rehabilitate people with mental illnesses in the society.

Mr. Charles Williams, a resident of Monrovia, mentioned that rehabilitating mad people will be in the best interest of everyone because as they are increasing on a daily basis, they are also becoming very dangerous to others who are not in similar conditions as they are.

“Some of the mental illnesses can be as a result of taking in harmful substances, while some could be spiritual causes; so psychosocial rehabilitation will help reclaim their lives and teach them emotional, cognitive and social skills,” he said.

Mr. Williams further stated that the government should stop the sales of the harmful substances which is one of the causes of immediate mental instability.

“Seeing the mentally-ill people roaming the streets is very unsafe for us in the society because some of our sisters have been sexually harassed by them while they sometimes forcefully take away some of our belongings,” he said.

Businessman Raymond Tucker mentioned that there should be an active rehabilitation center for those with such illnesses so that it helps contain them and cure their madness.

He added that some of the madness come as a result of trauma and hard drugs; something which the government needs to seriously look in.

“In other countries mad people are arrested and transferred to a particular location but Liberia is different, because both the normal and mad people are always seen together roaming the city of Monrovia” he said.

“When walking late at night you realize that most of those you will pass by on the road are mostly mad people or zogos which is very risky, because anything can happen and before getting rescue, you have already become a victim” he explained.

Mr. Tucker continued that the government should see reasons to protect its citizens from mentally ill people stressing, “I am very sure that if the government invests in free mental health and substance use health care, the benefits will be huge.” 

According to research, every federal state role in mental health includes regulating systems and providers, protecting the rights of consumers, providing funding for services and supporting research and innovation.

The government works to protect the rights of individuals with mental health disorders in a variety of settings, including the workplace, schools and in treatment.

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