‘Church Must Take Lead in 16 Days Activism’

By Alex Yomah

 In commemoration  with the 16 days activism  against Gender Base Violence (GBV), the  Episcopal  Church  of Liberia Relief& Development ( ECLRD) yesterday joined government of Liberia and the rest of the world to observe another  the 16 Days of activism against Gender Base Violence.

This year 16 Days Activism  Against Gender Base Violence (GBV)  is observed  on the  global theme “ Ending GBV and harassment  in the world of work” and   the national  theme “ Take Action to End GBV and  Harassment in Liberia”.

 Reading an official press statement on behalf of the Church, Rev. Fr. Wozeyan Bazzie, Acting Vicar General Episcopal Church of Liberia, called on all churches, mosques, and every resident of Liberia to join the fight by taking action to end GBV and harassment in the work places in Liberia.      

“We remain resolute in my belief that it is a responsibility of   the church of Liberia to lead the fight against sexual and Gender based violence,” Rev. Bazzie said.

 It can be recalled, Government on September 11, 2020, rape was declared a national emergency in Liberia, the Government of Liberia pledged to appoint a special prosecutor for rape in Liberia, set up a national sex offender registry, and a “national security task force” on sexual and gender based violence.

The Church indicated that “This declaration came as a response to the three days protest staged in August by women rights organizations, NGOs and Liberians who were tired accepting that rape and violence against women is normal. I am grateful that the government of Liberia was able to respond right in time”.  

 Rev. Bazzie said, “The energy that these protesters used to ensure that government takes an action on the prevailing issue is the same energy that the churches and mosques in Liberia should emulate and incorporate into our daily lives as we join the fight against SGBV,” he said.

 Rev. Bazzie also acknowledge that a faith leader himself, have what he called lapses “that we need to work on in ensuring  that harassment in the world  of work is reduced  and eventually  eliminated”    

  Rev. Bazzie said as part of the 16 days of activism, the church will take on activities in four counties including; Grand Cape, River-cess, Bong, and Grand Cape mount counties.

“Our National and county-level faith leaders’ coalitions, along with county-level faith based youth coalition and students will visit schools, workplaces and communities in the four counties listed above”

As part of the activities, the church will participate in several activities, including radio talk-shows, perform dramas on the code of Conduct for teachers and schools’ Administrators, and hold facts Association –Meaning Action (FAMA) Dialogue, host sporting events and indoor and outdoor programs that are also intended to create awareness on violence against women and children.

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