Chamber Justice Places Stay Order On Musu-Scott Case …As Defense Team Runs To Supreme Court 

By Grace Q. Bryant 

The Justice in Chamber, Jamesetta H. Wolokolie, has placed a stay order on the ongoing alleged Murder case involving the former Chief Justice, Gloria Musu-Scott, and other family members.

“By directive of Her Honor, Jamesetta H. Wolokolie, Associate Justice presiding in Chambers, you are hereby cited to a conference with Her Honor on Friday, September 8, 2023, at the hour of 12:00 noon, in connection with the above captioned case,” the Justice in Chamber mandated.

Justice Wolokolie’s decision was based on a petition for a writ of Certiorari filed by the lawyers representing defendant Scott and others against the Government’s lawyers and the Judge of Criminal Court “A”, Roosevelt Z. Willie. 

According to the defense’s eight-count petition, the Civil Procedure Law, Section 16.21.1 provides “Certiorari is a special proceeding to review and correct decisions of officials, boards, or agencies acting in a judicial capacity, or to review an intermediate order or interlocutory judgment of a court.”

The petitioners noted they filed with the First Judicial Court, Criminal Assizes ‘A’, a motion requesting the court to grant petitioners’ counsel the opportunity to visit the crime scene, and have to conduct an autopsy on the body of the deceased.

The petitioners further explained that on August 28’s Jury Sitting, they requested the court to make a submission and same was granted. Accordingly, petitioners informed the court of a pending motion requesting the said court to have petitioners’ counsel visit the crime scene and conduct an autopsy on the body of the deceased. Subsequently, the information was resisted by the Republic of Liberia, on grounds that the application was filed prematurely.

“On the same said date as mentioned in count three hereinabove, the Court ruled as follows: “This Court says that the motion as filed is indeed premature, because the first to determine is whether it is this court that will hear this matter, or this matter will be transferred to another court, it is before that court that such motion can be filed, or whether it is true that it is this court or that other court to determine the authenticity. Having said this, the motion as filed by the Defendant is hereby denied,” the petition maintained.

Petition added on August 31, petitioner filed a motion to have Judge Willie rescind his decision made on the Bill of Information, denying the defendants’ motion to visit the crime scene, and to conduct an autopsy.

Petition explained that on September 1, during the court sitting, petitioners brought to the attention of the Court that it is now timely since the case is being heard by the court, and as such, defendants request to be granted access to the crime scene and to conduct an autopsy on the body of the deceased as a matter of justice. However, the said request was out rightly denied by the Court.

Petition contended that denial by Judge Willie deprives defendants of the opportunity of adequate representation, and the right to proper preparation of Petitioners’ defense in these murder proceedings.

“Petitioners pray Your Honor and this Honorable Court for the issuance the writ Certiorari directing the Respondents to grant the application to have Petitioners’ counsel access to the crime scene, and to conduct an independent autopsy, so as to prepare its defense,” defense team prayed.

On February 22, 2023, former Chief Justice, Gloria Musu-Scott, along with Ma Rebecca Youdeh Wisner, Gertrude Newton, and Alice Johnson of Montserrado County, was charged with Murder, Criminal Conspiracy, and False Reports to Law Enforcement officials, in violation of Title 26, Chapter 14, Section 14.1, Chapter 10, Section 10.4, and Chapter 12, Section 12.33 of the New Penal Law of the Republic of Liberia.

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