The Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) is planning membership fund-drive ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.
According to CDC’s Vice Chairperson for Operations, Thomas Fallah of the Steering Committee Drive will be done this Saturday, November 12, at the headquarters of the party in Congo Town.
He noted that the program is designed to encourage partisans and supporters of the party to pay their dues in line with the party’s mandate.
Fallah noted that partisans including those who are government officials, to pay their fair share of dues to enable the party run its day-to-day activities.
He, at the same time, urged all partisans, including CDC-government officials, to gather on Saturday, November 12 after working hours to effectuate the party’s mandate.
Meanwhile, Fallah disclosed that all elected and appointed officials of the party are required to pay an accumulative amount of US$5,000 while ordinary members of the party are to contribute US$1 annually.
Fallah indicated that it will be in the best interest of the party if partisans pay heed to the call for due payment, stressing that such action will ensure the growth and development of the party and its membership at large.
Fallah emphasized that the CDC has more work to do in giving the political leaders of the party their second term.
However, Fallah stated that the reelection of the CDC standard bearer and running mate is very much possible, taking into consideration the deliverables of the government under the astute leadership of President Weah.
He emphasized that the reelection of the CDC officials is resting purely on the shoulders of every partisan and sympathizer of the coalition.
The Congress for Democratic Change, a subsidiary and the biggest party in the Coalition for Democratic Change, has proven to be the only political party in Liberia that receives voluntary financial support from its membership.