Catholic Church Appoints
New Administrator
–As Father Charles Boyce Buried In Silence

The Catholic Church has overwhelming elected Monsignor Gabriel Blamo Jubwe as a Diocesan Administrator of Archdiocese of Monrovia thereby replacing the late Rev. Father Charles E. Boyce.
“By instruction of the Congregation of the Evangelization people in the Vatican, through the Apostolic Nuncio (Vatican Ambassador) in Liberia, the College of Consultors of the Archdiocesan of Monrovia have met at the Apostolic Nunciature, in order to proceed with the election of the Diocesan Administrator of the Archdiocese,” the Vatican stated.
The Vatican further stated,“Apostolic Nunciature wants all to be informed that after following all canonical procedures, the College of Consultor has elected Reverend Monsignor Gabriel Blamo Jubwe as a Diocesan Administrator of the Archdiocese of Monrovia.”
The church made the appointment on Friday, October 1, 2021, as several bid the late Rev. Boyce farewell at the cathedral in Liberia amidst claims and counterclaims over his death.
Rev. Boyce is said to have died on Sunday, September 19, 2021, following a strange protracted illness but onlookers were seen murmuring and insinuating why the church could not have allowed Rev. Father Boyce to be buried for days or weeks before announcing his replacement especially at a time that the church had remained tight-lipped over his death despite the suspicion.
Meanwhile, the Catholic Church and tons of mourners on Friday bade farewell to Rev. Father Charles Boyce,the Acting Diocesan Administrator of the Catholic Church of Monrovia who on June 7 was named by Pope Francis as the Apostolic Administrator of the Church replacing retired Archbishop Lewis Jerome Zeigler.
Though the cause of the death of Rev. Boyce is yet to be established, family sources are said to be dissatisfied over the alleged controversial accounts leading to their father or relative’s death.
Granting an exclusive interview with this paper on account of anonymity, the family sources said they are beginning to suspect that the death of Father Rev. Charles Boyce is beyond what they ( family members) were hinted.
It was a widely known speculation by family sources that, the Catholic priest died as a result of “Bone Marrow or bone cancer” despite series of medical attentions while other sources differed on grounds that their father could not have died from bone marrow as such cancerous disease has no trace in the family.
“Except, we see the medical report to indicate or confirm that our Dad had bone cancer and died from it,” a family source explained.
The Catholic Church confirmed the death of Father Boyce but failed to confirm or dispel the speculations that led to his death despite growing claims and counterclaims over his sudden demise and up to his burial, the church had made no official statement.
According to medical definition, bone marrow is the spongy tissue at the centre of some bones that produce the body’s blood cell. The cells multiply in several areas of the body such as the spine, skull, pelvis and ribs.
Bone cancer is also known as bone marrow; it is an uncommon type of cancer that begins when cell in the bone starts to grow out of control.

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