Catholic Bishops Renew Stance Against Sexual Abuse …Deny PYJ Claims On War Crime Issue

By Alex Yomah 

 The Universal Catholic Church (UCC), has taken seriously allegations against sexual abuse as indicated in recent document of the Holy Father Pope Francis, “Vox Estis Lux Mundi” issued on May 7, 2019 and took effect on June 1, 2019, for a period of three years experimentum. “Crimes of Sexual abuse offends our Lord, cause physical psychological and spiritual damage to victims and harm the community of the faithful,” UCC stated.  

Addressing press conference in response to media report, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Liberia (CABIOL” Secretary General,   Rev. Francis Dennis Cephas Mimene,   said CABIOL takes very seriously various inquiries and publications regarding alleged acts unfavorable to its stated tradition, with the latest being in a local media entitled, “Liberian Catholic Church Mute on New Explosive Book-exposing sex Abuse in the Catholic Church”.  

“When cases of such nature surface, as it is in Liberia, which shocks everyone hearing it, it does not need only keen attention; immediately respond but also be prudent and maximum care be taken while in search of the truth to protect the good name and privacy of everyone involved, both accuser and accused,” CABIOL Secretary General averred in a statement.

“ The Bishops will not, however, impute unsavory motives to individuals determined to impugn the integrity  of the Church but will urge those making claims to take advantage  of procedures dully established  worldwide and within the Episcopate  to seek redress  for any wrong allegedly  committed by any Religious and  Individuals  within the Church,” Rev. Mimene  said.   

In addition, he indicated that all religious so accused are under a duty to see redress for grievances within the framework of the Church and other means made available to deal with such allegations. Adding, “It is in this regard that the Church in Liberia cautions the authors and publishers of these allegations to be mindful of the rights of those accused and guard against defaming their characters and reputations”.

   The Church said, the accused religious denomination has denied the allegations and is willing to avail itself to whatever investigation and inquiry deemed necessary by the Church and the State.  

 CABICOL has assured the lay faith of the Church in Liberia, Catholics the world over and the general public that it frowns on and takes seriously any such allegations and will fully investigate any such matters brought before it in the most expeditious manner. 

 Meanwhile, the Catholic Church has denied claims made by Nimba County Senator, Prince Johnson alleging that the church has called for the establishment of War Crime Court in Liberia to prosecute those who committed heinous crimes against humanities.

 Last Sunday, Prince Johnson now turned pastor, informed his congregation that  instead of the  Catholic Church  battling against homosexual activities entrenched in the church, they are calling for war crime court  to prosecute him, Sen. Johnson and others.

 He accused the Catholic Church’s Bishops in Maryland  County during the war of  having  an affairs with a teenage girl in a vehicle in which he alleged that he [Sen. Johnson]  went on the scene and took away the Bishop’s money including  his wearing and  the  girl’s clothes-indicating that  the Church has no moral  to call for War Crime Court  and besides that, he also claimed, it contributed to  the war by offering prayers for LUD-rebels.

 But responding to the former warlord, Rev. Mimene said, Mr.  Johnson’s assertions against the church was a retaliation to the fact that the Catholic Church is calling for War Crime Tribunal.

“We have not made a definite position on the establishment of War Crime Court as claimed by the former warlord. All statements made by the lawmaker are all allegations that we are addressing,” he said.

 Clarifying further, he said the Church is not promoted for homosexuality.  The Church does not accept homosexuality,” the Church said.

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