Bushrod Island Petrol Trade
Station Pose Imminent Danger
-Fire Service Alarms

The Liberia National Fire and Rescue Service (LNFRS), has alarmed over what could an imminent danger for residents of in the Bushrod Island Community.
Fire Service is reporting that there is a high risk at the newly constructed Petrol Trade Gas Station that warrants timely intervention by the appropriate authorities.
According to LNFRS, the management of Petrol Trade constructed the station in what is considered as a Red Zone which needs to be removed in the soonest possible time to reduce the risk posed in the area.
According to documents in the possession of this paper, the government of Liberia through the Liberia National Fire and Rescue Service along with a representative of Petrol Trade Gas Station conducted a tour to inspect the facility and discovered that the station is built in such hazardous way.
Knowing how flammable petroleum products are, the report revealed that there is a generator room on the ground floor of the building hosting a minimart at the station, while four storage tanks are placed underground which shows no safety measures.
The report furthered that the minimart belonging to the same entity does not have any emergency exit that could be very important in case of disaster to have people in the facility safe or attended to in a speedy manner.
In a recommendation, the report added that the Petrol Trade Gas Station at the front of the LPRC compound be relocated from the red zone in order to avert any future calamity.
LNFRS also cautioned that the generator that is operating in the building be relocated and an emergency exit point be created.
“The recommendations contained within this report have to be speedily acted upon to reduce the likelihood of a possible eventuality. All risks and deficiencies identified in this report should be addressed urgently,” the report noted.

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