Brosius Demands Over US$3M Refund Before Resumption Of Case

The embattled General Manager of the Ducor Petroleum Corporation, Amos P. K. Brosius, is demanding that the Judiciary returns the over US$3.3 million in the company’s account before the case between the Monrovia Oil Trading Corporation and the Petroleum Corporation can resume.
Complainant Brosius who blamed the loss incurred on the decision of the chief judge of the Commercial Court said, “Therefore, it is the court that should use its powers to ensure that the monies are returned into the Corporation’s account.”
It can be recalled that the Commercial Court headed by Judge Eva Mappy-Morgan ordered the account frozen but ever since it was reopened to the Corporation in July 2013, US$3.352 million is yet to be accounted, which according to the complainant has resulted to “Pains and mental distress.”
In a 3-page letter dated Monday, April 19, 2021 and submitted to Chief Justice Francis Saye Korkpor, Brosius among many things prayed the Supreme Court to handle the return of his property that the Commercial Court allegedly sold and that the monies be returned into the account before the resumption of the matter. See Letter Below.

April 19, 2021
His Honor Francis S. Korkpor
Chief Justice
Republic of Liberia
Temple of Justice, Monrovia
May It Please Your Honor,
In Re: Amos Brosius vs Judge Eva Mappy Moran
I extend my compliments in the highest esteem.

On April 6, 2021, the Judicial Inquiry Commission handed us a copy of its report in the above captioned matter that was filed with your office for your action.

The report found Judge Eva Mappy Morgan liable for committing several malpractices in her handling of the Petition for Accounting filed before the Commercial Court by MOTC resulting into unimaginable damages, pains and mental distress to me.

Furthermore, It was established during the investigation that an agreement between MOIC and I to have Ducor Petroleum bank accounts, including account no. O22l25l5340l housed at LBDI, frozen and placed in the custody of the Commercial Court so as to prevent any of the disputing parties from having access to finances in Ducor Petroleum receivables and hank accounts pending the final determination of the Petition for Accounting was breached and the account depleted and all monies remain unaccounted for while in the custody of the court. The monies remained unaccounted up to and including the time writing this communication.

That the JIG report declared the court orders dated July 23, 2013 and July 24, 2013 that resulted in the depletion of monies from Ducor’s accounts while in the custody of the Commercial court as being illegal and I am in total agreement with the JIC on that issue.

We thank the JIG for its work in revealing the truth about the malpractices that occasioned the proceedings in the Petition for Accounting that have caused me and my family untold pains and mental agony.

It is worth noting that some of the pains 1 have suffered for the past eight years as a direct consequence of malpractices committed in the Commercial Court against me, is that my children are often out out of schools in Liberia for unpaid school fees while Her Honor- Eva Mappy Morgan, Cur. T. Negbalee Warner, and MOTC officials educate their children abroad with wealth they have amassed to my detriment.

Meanwhile, let me state for the records that the one year suspension from office recommended by the JIG as punishment to Judge Morgan is far too soft and does not measure up to the malpractices that she committed as outlined in the JIC report and damages done as her a direct consequence of her malpractices.

Additionally, the JIG recommendation of a One (1) Year suspension for Judge Eva Mappy Morgan is more of a call on government to act against her corrupt act without considering any reparation for me even though, the report stated that I am the direct victim, in an unimaginable way, of her malpractices in the Commercial Court handling of the Petition for Accounting pending before it for the past eight years.

May It Please Your Honor that, since it is now clear from the JIC investigation that, the Ducors accounts receivables and Duco?s bank account housed at LBDI were depleted of all monies based on the illegal court orders dated July 23, 2013 and July 24, 2013 in breach of the previous court orders of July 15,2013 issued by the Commercial Court to have the Ducor Petroleum bank accounts frozen and placed in the custody of the court consistent with the agreement of the parties, all monies that were depleted from those accounts be returned to the court and be frozen in keeping with the agreement of the parties to have all finances in Ducor placed in the custody of the Commercial Court of Liberia pending the final determination of the Petition for Accounting.

In my Amended Complaint to you dated June 29, 2020, 1 did mention the total amount depleted from those accounts as being US$M3.352.(United States Dollars Three Point Three Five Two Million) After the monies shall have been returned to the account and frozen by the court, that Your Honor may appoint Judges with reputable characters to preside over the Petition for Accounting and conclude the matter as expeditiously as possible.

It is a fact that all the illegal orders that saturated Judge Mappy Morgan illegal conduct that led to the depletion of the Ducor accounts frozen by the court was done in her official Judicial capacity not as a private citizen of Liberia. Therefore, the court should exert every effort to ensure that the monies are returned in the account. As you may be aware the only reason why the parties are before the Commercial Court is as a result of a dispute of over the ownership of the US$M3.352.(United States Dollars Three Point Three Five Two Million) which has disappeared while in the custody of the court. The Judiciary and by extension the Government of Liberia is fully responsible for the replacement of the money.

Furthermore, the monies got lost as a result of the official conduct of the judge therefore; it is the court that should use its powers to ensure a return of the monies to its custody.

In view of the forgoing facts and circumstances I kindly pray that your office handle the return of my property that the Commercial Court sold and the monies be returned into the account. The return of the money into the account should be done in order for the Commercial Court to continue with the matter.

Sincerely yours,
Amos P.K. Brosius
0886550838/ 0777550838

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